Winnipeg>Toronto route tips

You're looking at a 3 day trip if you stay on hwy 17

day 1 - winnipeg -> tbay
day 2 - tbay -> ss marie
day 3 - ss marie -> toronto

with about 700 kms per day

Watch out for moose! I don't recommend riding after dark.

Personally I'd try to get more time off and explore some more roads up there. I took hwy 631 from top to bottom which was great.
You're looking at a 3 day trip if you stay on hwy 17

day 1 - winnipeg -> tbay
day 2 - tbay -> ss marie
day 3 - ss marie -> toronto

Did basically that exact stretch last summer, did some riding at night out of necessity (as we were doing ~1200KM days) and saw squat all for wildlife except for one bear running into the forest from quite some distance off the road already. The forest is cut back quite a way off the roads on both sides in many/most stretches of the TC up there so wildlife can't really sneak up on vehicles.

Saw the usual smattering of small animals having naps on the asphalt but nothing that presented any particular danger.
You'd be surprised, people are hitting moose on hwy 17 in their cars and sustaining injuries, here's one from a few days ago:

The trees are further away from the road on hwy 17 compared to some of the smaller highways, but still if a moose comes barreling out of the trees you have very little time to react. Bears are much smarter, I saw two last summer and both of them scurried away when they saw me coming.

Here's me encountering a bear on hwy 11:
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