Windows 10

Tried Edge for about 30 seconds. The amount of ads on the average website is shocking. Back to Chrome w/Adblock.

Windows 10 itself seems fine. It windowses.

The internet without ad blocking is is terrible. Might want to look at ublock, imho it's better.
The internet without ad blocking is is terrible. Might want to look at ublock, imho it's better.

I run Firefox with NoScript, but it's a little bit like the phone setup where you have to punch in all of the numbers that are allowed to call you.

Right now the following want access, although none are actually needed to see this site:,,,,,
I run Firefox with NoScript, but it's a little bit like the phone setup where you have to punch in all of the numbers that are allowed to call you.

Right now the following want access, although none are actually needed to see this site:,,,,,


After squinting carefully at the page, I found the broken Digg script behind the "Share" drop-down menu at the top of the thread
Stuck at "Getting Updates" 0 %....

Edit: ran as admin and I passed this stage
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A free upgrade to Windows 8.1 from 8 also allowed you to re-enable the start button (kind of).

The drivers would also most likely still be in C:\Windows\System32. If you go to your Device Manager, you can look for the drivers with a ! (missing), right click, install driver manually, and search in C:\Windows\System32 and it should pick up the previous driver.

I heard that you had to pay a yearly subscription to Microsoft for some basics such as Solitare =/? This would lead me to believe that they're planning to introduce more features in the future available only to those who pay for their subscription. Didn't have the time to do the upgrade yet. Sounds like Windows 7 is still the winner though.
The first thing I did to my windows 8 laptop was install, start is back.
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Installed 10 on my HTPC and I have to say it's a huge improvement over 8.1. I'm now considering whether to upgrade my primary machine which is currently on Win 7. I think I'll remain on Win 7 for a little while longer but will almost certainly upgrade before the free offer expires.

Although I haven't used it much, I like having Cortana active in my living room. I need to find a good quality microphone that can pickup my voice from anywhere in the room.
Installed 10 on my HTPC and I have to say it's a huge improvement over 8.1. I'm now considering whether to upgrade my primary machine which is currently on Win 7. I think I'll remain on Win 7 for a little while longer but will almost certainly upgrade before the free offer expires.

Although I haven't used it much, I like having Cortana active in my living room. I need to find a good quality microphone that can pickup my voice from anywhere in the room.

wait...what...I thought Cortana didn't work in Canada? I have it greyed out on one of my menus.
Cortana will work if you have your region, input language and speech language all match. I think all three are supposed to be "English (Canada)" but I have it intentionally turned off at the moment.

Cortana will also help you turn itself on - if you click the search button, then the circle symbol on the left-hand side, it should tell you why it isn't working
Not sure if this applies but on my Windows phone I had to set my settings up as USA for Cortana to work. Didn't find an issue with it.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
The preview release I played with was much better than 8 or 8.1. I'm waiting to upgrade my Win7 laptop to 10 for a bit. Never switch right away unless you want problems.

Although I must be the only one that switched to Windows ME before it was even on shelves and never had a single problem with it.
Is this Windows going to be the most Mac-like in history?

Windows 9 was skipped because there may be compatability issues, since there are still reference in software to older Windows 9x versions, drivers, etc. out there.

That seems like a poor excuse at best.
An Engineer shouldn't miss something as basic as that.
Especially, since the era of bloatware had already started.

windows 10 shares a number of things, like your bandwidth (if you have x many gigs a month you may want to note this) and your wifi passwords with friends of your friends

Fitbit is already tracking me, to sell the info to the highest bidder, but I'll definitely keep this in mind.
It's very Windows-like.

I like the smartphone-style notification screen that you can bring up on the right, shoulda been a thing long ago.
Fitbit is already tracking me, to sell the info to the highest bidder, but I'll definitely keep this in mind.

There is selling data and then there's giving security access to your systems, should someone use your wifi to access illegal content (and what will be illegal may change with the new TPP talks) you can be on the hook for some exorbitant legal fees to defend yourself even if you are found innocent of any wrong doing. better to keep your stuff locked down.

then there's the whole downloading pirated content
There is selling data and then there's giving security access to your systems, should someone use your wifi to access illegal content (and what will be illegal may change with the new TPP talks) you can be on the hook for some exorbitant legal fees to defend yourself even if you are found innocent of any wrong doing. better to keep your stuff locked down.

then there's the whole downloading pirated content

I guess now there's a bigger reason to use guest SSIDs - never mind worrying about trusting the one person you can look in the eye, now you gotta worry about the 10-50+ people their computer/phone will try to propagate the key to
There is selling data and then there's giving security access to your systems, should someone use your wifi to access illegal content (and what will be illegal may change with the new TPP talks) you can be on the hook for some exorbitant legal fees to defend yourself even if you are found innocent of any wrong doing. better to keep your stuff locked down.

then there's the whole downloading pirated content

I don't do that, so my passwords will be locked up, or I won't migrate to 10.
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