Wind Mobile


Well-known member
recently i went to bramlea city center with my brother to look for some phone plans(needs one for college) and noticed that wind has an unlimited plan going on for 29 dollars..which includes unlimited texting, calling and freaking DATA!....and to top it off you can get a blackberry curve for zero dollars LOL
but my worries are that i hear complaints about the recepition they get, its not covering specific areas etc..

so did anyone here have had any complaints with them or there phones? and are they good to go with?:confused:
if you are in the city, i found their reception to be just fine. but when i went out into the burbs, you should bring your carrier pigeon with you.
they certainly have properly priced plans still be with them but i had to get a smartphone to link to my bike GPS alarm and couldnt risk loss of reception lol
My dad has them, and was roaming at the costco on queensway...
yeah like my brother is basically going to use it for college use..i mean for 30 dollars you cant go wrong right? all im worried about is the reception.
with rogers i pay 32 dollars which has unlimited talk,text and caller id, but with wind you get all that with data and which is unlimited...why cant rogers have this kind of deal :( lol
yeahh...but its to costly, as im looking for a plan thats under 30 dollars (yeahh im cheap lol)
iv seen one from mobilicity as well which is 25 dollars also unlimited, but you need to buy the phone in order to get that plan lol
if you are in the city, i found their reception to be just fine. but when i went out into the burbs, you should bring your carrier pigeon with you.
they certainly have properly priced plans still be with them but i had to get a smartphone to link to my bike GPS alarm and couldnt risk loss of reception lol

A friend of mine works with wind head office and told me that next year The uhf frequency that is currently about to be shut down for over the air TV (I'm sure everyone know about that) will be up for auction. Wind plans to buy this frequency no matter what it takes. When or if they get it expect way better things from winds reception. This frequency will get through almost anything meaning basements, tunnels, and buildings. Then wind will really be a force for the big guys to deal with.

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As mentioned, WIND's coverage is seriously small unless you're strictly urban, near-suburban. If you spend any time outside the core GTA area you're in trouble. If you look at their map, you're talking Mississauga, Brampton, Richmond Hill, Pickering...anything outside that and you're using Rogers or Bell's network. I'm using their unlimited mobile data for $29/mth for my laptop but that's only being used inside the GTA. The reception is good and the download bandwidth is acceptable..the upload is horrific. But I'm good with it for now. No contract..leave anytime you like.
A friend of mine works with wind head office and told me that next year The uhf frequency that is currently about to be shut down for over the air TV (I'm sure everyone know about that) will be up for auction. Wind plans to buy this frequency no matter what it takes. When or if they get it expect way better things from winds reception. This frequency will get through almost anything meaning basements, tunnels, and buildings. Then wind will really be a force for the big guys to deal with.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

wow, thats going to be pretty sweet if they can still keep the plans that they have for next year +
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