Power is King, not profit. People like you and I have more power now, than we ever had.
Adopt a child
Power is King, not profit. People like you and I have more power now, than we ever had.
I think this is a common characteristic of any current youthful generation. In the 50s it was our oppressive parents and a regime that wouldn't allow rock stars to be shown below the waist on TV, 20 years later is was those protesting warmongering and cold war, 20 years later old school conservatism and traditional family values, today it seems more like a protest supporting self pity.油井緋色 how is any of that a boomer only thing? Everything you posted could be said about any two generations with a one or two generation gap, almost any point in modern history.
One day you will figure out the bad things you and your generation are actually doing today (and there are LOTS) and two or three generations from now someone will be whining on whatever the Internet is then about you. Rinse and repeat.
It is not always someone else's fault BTW.
油井緋色 how is any of that a boomer only thing? Everything you posted could be said about any two generations with a one or two generation gap, almost any point in modern history.
One day you will figure out the bad things you and your generation are actually doing today (and there are LOTS) and two or three generations from now someone will be whining on whatever the Internet is then about you. Rinse and repeat.
It is not always someone else's fault BTW.
Koreans no longer glamorize living in the West as much
Due to the heavy US presence (ARMY), some areas are heavily westernized. It is like being back in the West with the types of food (even shawarma!!), clothing brands etc. They get rowdy though at night
Actually anti-American sentiment due to the stupid US soldiers is a big deal (i.e horny soldiers) and Trump is not helping their image.
If you are Canadian/American type of lazy you will die in South Korea...
South Korean millennials challenge the country’s powerful chaebol
South Korea’s strong hierarchical corporate culture is being challenged by the growing number of millennials who are leaving their corporate jobs to pursue freelance work.born2invest.com
And so, here we are. Apparently I'm not below average, and I need to clean up the (huge) mess my elders left....and I'll also probably have to clean up the **** stains caused by our generation's despair (BLM, for example, was a noble cause....until the morons turned into a anarchistic mob), which is also the result of last generation **** ups.
Yup, because that's their job - businesses are not people, they answer to shareholders and the goal for most shareholders is profit - no profit, no job.... lot of upper managements are similar to Mad Mike and crankcall. If there is no profit, go **** yourself.
Women are King. First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman.Power is King, not profit. People like you and I have more power now, than we ever had.
So loose women are the problem I see now.then you loose the woman, half your money and the cycle repeats LOL
So loose women are the problem I see now.
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there have been some boomers I've met that are really cool during my riding life. They're always the ones that don't exhibit the "holier than thou" attitude very common among boomers (which I've also seen here.) But I've also learned that adopting a "holier than thou" attitude and hurling it right back at boomers for work politics tends to pacify the arrogant one, but this breeds a toxic environment.
The problem with much of social media is that there are so many "bot" accounts, fanning the flames of division and hatred.I've met plenty of this new young generation that have a holier than though, and I know everything attitude.
You been on social media lately, where everyone thinks they're all woke and enlightened because of what they read, saw, blogged, TikTok'd, or uploaded to the Gram, yet haven't accomplished anything, or earned anything in their lives?
But, that comes with every generation.
I personally don't believe in trying to put blame on any specific generation for the problems of today.
It's a wash, rinse, repeat cycle.
And as for your views on businesses out to make a profit I'm not sure where your attitude comes from.
Businesses are out to make profits to pay wages, keep the doors open, and satisfy the shareholder.
It's not a charity.
How'd they get across? Are the ferries running?View attachment 44300
The TB crowd just doesn't learn. Hanlan's Pt beach this weekend.
Ferries are running 1/2 capacity, there are lots of water 'ubers' downtown on the weekends. $10 on the Tiki Taxi | Toronto's Premier Water Taxi ServiceHow'd they get across? Are the ferries running?