Well-known member
The Ontario Liberals have a cozy relationship with the insurance industry, together they collaborate on regulations and setting rates so the gov't maximizes revenues and the insurance lobby maximizes profits. The insurance buying public gets stuck with the bills in this faux-market system.
Do you think there is a way Ford can be persuaded to reduce regulation and make auto insurance more competitive for Ontarians?
I doubt Ford would tackle this stuff if he wins. Car insurance rates are pretty reasonable and since most people in Ontario are cagers, this is a total non issue.
That said, some risks are forced on insurance companies because they are tail risks with low probability but devastating impact to the person buying insurance. Without regulation, you can opt out, but if it happens to you and you end up on your *** because you can't work and your employer benefits ran out, you better not be out there on kickstarter grovelling for cash or complaining that there isn't enough help out there and the state isn't taking care of you.
Maybe paying high insurance on motorcycles is enough to dissuade you from engaging in a high risk activity, passes the cost of the activity to you, and results in a fairer shouldering of the consequences of your activities than if you almost died and lived off of benefits your entire life. It may actually be cheaper at a societal level (once you account for changes in behaviour and incentives) to have this system, than to allow you to opt out of some coverage then have the state cover your bills from tax revenues.
In any case, i don't think insurance is as much of a racket as it seems. Small insurers pop up and go out of business pretty frequently, and margins really aren't that high on average. If we were cheap to insure and all low risk, then the market would take care of us appropriately.