Wild Wing Wednesday in G-Town, interested?

Still debating driving out but might have to miss this week, work midnights :(. Next week ill be there forsure

Cool man, we'll be there and we'll keep your corner seat open
Is this happening tonight? From the weather radar, it looks like the rain has blown through.
I wont be able to make it out for the wings if this happens, getting tires put on. but I'll txt someone once they're done on if people are still hanging around I could come out for a little chat.
If your at adrians when I drop the grips off we can go for wings while he's puttin ur tires on...
True! I'll be getting there 7 at the latest.
Is this happening tonight? From the weather radar, it looks like the rain has blown through.

I'll keep an eye on this post to make sure people are still going and plan to be there for 7:30pm. As long as it's light rain will be good practice. :)
Not sure about you all but oakville is getting KILLED with rain and hail. Driving home I couldn't see the car 20 feet ahead of me.

I might have to take my cage if this keeps up. Will leave my house at 7 or so if it's still on. Definitely need my fix of wings tonight.
Not sure about you all but oakville is getting KILLED with rain and hail. Driving home I couldn't see the car 20 feet ahead of me.

I might have to take my cage if this keeps up. Will leave my house at 7 or so if it's still on. Definitely need my fix of wings tonight.
Im hoping it lets up before 630.. it should, looksl ike the clouds are gonna be passing by in an hour at most.
Yes, storms have developed in the last hour. I can see that it's raining everywhere to the north, west, and south, but not here or east - Georgetown is probably getting hit right now. I'm figuring on "not happening" at this point but may change that if it blows over.
I'll be there car or bike don't matter see u at 7:30
Looks like i'll head down now and see what happens.
Well glad that rain stayed away, was good eating, good company and a nice ride to finish the night.
See you guys again soon!
Thanks to all that braved the weather!

Great to see you all again, good wings and a great ride through Mississauga.

See you next week!
I'll be there tonight at 7:30, hope to see you there!
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