
Fair enough. But you've got the GTAM-style tone nailed perfectly. Well done.

Anybody interested in continuing the discussion of wikipedia in an intelligent, polite, and civilized manner?

Like if you don't have the GTAM attitude :rolleyes:
Here is where Wiki shines (for me)......

I will cite 3 of the most recent examples of why Wiki is my "go to" site.

1) Ever watch the movie "Inception" with Leonardo DiCaprio? Very difficult to follow fully. Wiki explains the plot and more detail about the movie that I'd ever care to know.

2) In another thread, somebody mentioned the HIIT method of exercise work out. I've never heard of it before....but Wiki came to the rescue.

3) I wanted some info about a group known as LMFAO. A quick search on Wiki told me all I need to know.

Wiki saves me from sifting around all the crap google spits out.

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