Why you ride: Are you compemsating?

It's kind of easy to tell who does it to "compensate"; they are the ones with immaculate gear and clean bike that stand beside far more than the time they spend on it. Homme de fer's opinion.
Princess's Man went to L&L and other meets, and noticed that allot of motorcycle boys are short and 50+.

So, this got Princess's Man thinking of this wonderful thoughts: are people who ride compemsating for something? Like, you ride because you short, or want to be perceeved as more manly, or young and youtful?

Princess's Man just curious.

You like?

Maybe they are riding to compensate for not being able to spell. LOL
Princess's Man went to L&L and other meets, and noticed that allot of motorcycle boys are short and 50+.

So, this got Princess's Man thinking of this wonderful thoughts: are people who ride compemsating for something? Like, you ride because you short, or want to be perceeved as more manly, or young and youtful?

Princess's Man just curious.

You like?
Maybe they are riding so they can refer to themselves in the third person.

We think that some people in some circles might do anything for any possible reason as we know that all things done in one's life are done to compensate for something.
I'm slightly over average height, and 49. Phew. Maybe people ride because they ****ing enjoy it, or the social scene that comes along with it, or both at once. Tim Horton's chicken strips. Rossi wannabes meanwhile old enough to be Rossi's father. Pirates. Yarrr. Mud in the teeth knobby tired goobers. Retro EVERYthing fashion riders avec helmets that wouldn't do **** in a crash. Can't wait for spring and the "what's the best beginner bike threads" and "what's the BEST chain oil" Oily creeks, misspent youth and fundraisers. Free motorcycle with every condo parking spot. Stunting charges. Pegassus advice threads. LEt's all make 2015 a great year!
Quite the opposite. I do all my compensating online. Motorcycling allows me to slum it. In my day to day life I'm way better than that.
32, and although I'm only 5'8 height has nothing to do with it. Before bikes I was always into cars, and have loved driving and the open road (manual transmission if in any way possible). Riding was just a natural progression for me.

Also worth noting you typically won't find me at L&L or the other 'park and meet' events, as I am typically busy weekdays, and on the weekend I'd rather head north on the bike than stand around in a parking lot.
I love the feeling of that first wheelie in the morning that really wakes you up. I'm compensating for the crappy life I have by riding.
I love the feeling of that first wheelie in the morning that really wakes you up. I'm compensating for the crappy life I have by riding.

LOL...I like that answer too...wife n kids excluded, I wouldn't trade them for the world! ;)
Nothing makes me smile more than my 5 year old sprinting from the garage to the roadside to give me the "WHEELIE-WAVE"...
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Im well under 50 and well over 6 feet tall. My love for sports bikes and sports cars make me wish I was shorter, lighter, and maybe even a bit more under 50.
The old "need to compensate" argument. Last dying words of the...

Im well under 50 and well over 6 feet tall. My love for sports bikes and sports cars make me wish I was shorter, lighter, and maybe even a bit more under 50.

Yeah....shorter and lighter would be nice.
After 50 the kids are grown, or almost grown. You shrink as you age. Does that answer your question?
What does being short have anything to do with riding... im your average heighted asian 20 something... no need for compensation, im happy with my 2 wheels.

Let people ride their ride... no need to question. You ride your ride (allegedly) and well ride ours.
Princess's Man got banned so hard that Riceburner now has to take credit for the thread
Started riding in 1987 on a dare from a friend, she had started the year before. Said she would tour Europe with me if we did it on motorcycles. Got my licence in April '87. By July I was in Europe for 3 months touring ... what was I thinking as a newb rider??? Definitely a trip to remember !!!

What started as a dare is now truly a passion

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