Happened on Canada Day
I *stupidly* rushed a corner and was kind of busy with thoughts ... Took a corner and was not experienced enough to deal with changing my cornering to avoid loose gravel. Nanoseconds ... The bike slid and I went flying but luckily I didn't go flying into the forest because the area had a metal barrier thing?
Luckily I only ended up with some bruisebut the first bike is probably going to the dump
Ironically, it happened really close to home so I might have been less paranoid than when I was way up north .....
I think statistically most accidents happen close to home / on roads you are used to. Makes you more complacent. Glad to hear you are okay!!
Driving to work for me can become an autopilot thing if I don't force myself to be aware at all times.
Drove up to North York / Vaughan all the way up Bathurst yesterday. Was the fastest I have gone on my bike (hit 80-90 at some points further north, traffic was flying!) - also noticed I was much more aware driving in a foreign part of town. Tried to scoot out of every blind spot and make room for anyone who seemed like they might change lanes right into me. Also noticed an ALARMING amount of people on their phones Jesus mother of God... Gotta keep eyes peeled at all times.
Hope you find a new ride soon and get back on the road safely