Why can't I reply in Classifieds??

This is one of the laziest things I have ever heard.
>> clickityclick... Price? > send
Is easier than:
see, this is the reason we need to add comments.


i'm mildly interested in these, but the guy has no price and i'm not going to bother asking him either via pm cause i don't want to go through the hassle. However, i would have left a quick post asking the price.

this is not at all uncommon.

LMAO...too funny

If you click(1) on his username - click(2)send pm...type..then click(3) send...

Or your way...scroll to bottom(click 1) click reply(2)...type...click(3) send!

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Hello there Paul.i believe i've talked to you before about not being able to respond to an add in either the classified's or elsewhere.the notice that keeps coming up is this.it says i do not have permission to access this page.due to the following reasons.
1]if youare trying to postin any of the classified forums.replies to classified ads are not allowed. please pm or contact the user via information in thier ad.
2]your user account may not have sufficent privileges to access this page.are you trying to edit someone else's post. [ NO ] access administration features or some other privilege system. [NO]
3.if you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account,or it may be awaiting activation.[everything is suppose to be working.]
Paul seeing how you are the site adminstrator how about rectifiying this situation for me or at least contact me about how to solve this problem.
as there has been alot of time where i've like to purchase several things but alas am unabls to .
Regards P Morton
here my contact info pmorton@rogers.com thanks again lookforward to hearing from you.
Hello there Paul.i believe i've talked to you before about not being able to respond to an add in either the classified's or elsewhere.the notice that keeps coming up is this.it says i do not have permission to access this page.due to the following reasons.
1]if youare trying to postin any of the classified forums.replies to classified ads are not allowed. please pm or contact the user via information in thier ad.
2]your user account may not have sufficent privileges to access this page.are you trying to edit someone else's post. [ NO ] access administration features or some other privilege system. [NO]
3.if you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account,or it may be awaiting activation.[everything is suppose to be working.]
Paul seeing how you are the site adminstrator how about rectifiying this situation for me or at least contact me about how to solve this problem.
as there has been alot of time where i've like to purchase several things but alas am unabls to .
Regards P Morton
here my contact info pmorton@rogers.com thanks again lookforward to hearing from you.

You have mail :)
Hello there Paul.i believe i've talked to you before about not being able to respond to an add in either the classified's or elsewhere.the notice that keeps coming up is this.it says i do not have permission to access this page.due to the following reasons.
1]if youare trying to postin any of the classified forums.replies to classified ads are not allowed. please pm or contact the user via information in thier ad.
2]your user account may not have sufficent privileges to access this page.are you trying to edit someone else's post. [ NO ] access administration features or some other privilege system. [NO]
3.if you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account,or it may be awaiting activation.[everything is suppose to be working.]
Paul seeing how you are the site adminstrator how about rectifiying this situation for me or at least contact me about how to solve this problem.
as there has been alot of time where i've like to purchase several things but alas am unabls to .
Regards P Morton
here my contact info pmorton@rogers.com thanks again lookforward to hearing from you.
I know I'm just evesdropping here, but if you posted here, what problem are you having exactly?
Classifieds cannot be poted in but by the original poster. It keeps things orderly in the classifieds section.
Send PM's regarding classifieds and you're golden dude.
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