Why are so many women raping boys?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that photo was taken at a motel. Just a hunch.
She's in Betty White territory, I would not have put her past 85. Good genes.
On the issue of wage gap as was mentioned earlier here.

[video=youtube;58arQIr882w]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58arQIr882w&list=PLytTJqkSQqtr7BqC1Jf4nv3g 2yDfu7Xmd&index=36[/video]
Yeah, if she chooses to be a glorified babysitter(daycare) cause that's what she wants to do, and not take a management position(even in the daycare) that pays more, cause she doesn't want the responsibility.....don't b1tch to me that you don't make as much as a man in a position of responsibility.
Yeah, if she chooses to be a glorified babysitter(daycare) cause that's what she wants to do, and not take a management position(even in the daycare) that pays more, cause she doesn't want the responsibility.....don't b1tch to me that you don't make as much as a man in a position of responsibility.
While we are on the top[ic of employment, this is another issue

I remember this. Went viral. This is a real issue and one of the reasons why men have opted out of marriage. Going into a marriage or even common law relationship is a very very risky deal for men who stand to loose everything and i mean EVERYTHING if the relationship ends even if the pther party decides to break it/cheat. Im talking from a legal stance of course and how corrupt our family courts are.
This is a documentary that everyone, specially men should watch. We have become second class citizens and if you dont believe me, take a look at stats.

Don't even get me started......

But thats the point. The point is to get people started so we change the status quo. We have been quite and content with the situation (mostly because the majority dont realize how bad it is until they have to deal with it persoanlly and then its too late anyway).

Once people realize how bad we have it, a moevement becomes possible to change things around.

Conventionally, among certain males, that woman would be considered a prize catch. Going from the video alone you'd have to be super crazy to get involved with her. Maybe the video doesn't show her true self but whatever. On the other hand the dude looks like somebody I could get on with. No homo.
But thats the point. The point is to get people started so we change the status quo. We have been quite and content with the situation (mostly because the majority dont realize how bad it is until they have to deal with it persoanlly and then its too late anyway).

Once people realize how bad we have it, a moevement becomes possible to change things around.

that's the problem...you get beaten down so much you're just tired of it all....
that's the problem...you get beaten down so much you're just tired of it all....

I hear ya, but giving up is not an option. We are already raising billboards in Toronto to shine some light on some of men's issues(domestic violence against men). I persoanlly didnt believe we can do it 2 years ago but it's done. And despite the hate it got from CBC and others like them, the issue is now highlighted. Many people didn't even know such a thing exists but now are aware of it.

It's a slow process but doable.

We also got an enormous amount of support from everyday people who supported us on CBC's website and publications like National Post also gave us a fair and productive review.

I can promise you on this website alone, there are hundereds of men who have gone through the torture (in one form or another) but have no one to support them or are too ashamed to come forward because we are always told to be a man. Well being a man is pretty useless when an entire legal system is biased against you.
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