For about the Nth time now. It's getting close to sinking in. We can only hope..........maybe not.
You haven't got a clue. You really need to stay down.
The cell phone manufacturing industry is the same as every other manufacturing industry in the far east. I'll try to keep it simple for you (not sure how much farther I can dumb it down, though), and use Giant Bicycles in Taiwan as an example. They are the biggest bicycle manufacturer in the world. 75 % of the bicycles you see are manufactured in their factory, regardless of who's name is on the down tube. They make cheap $199 BSOs (bicycle shaped objects) you would see in a place like Canadian Tire that a company like CTC would pay them to brand Supercycle in the same factory as the carbon fiber framed, XTR equipped $2500+ bicycles you find in specialty bicycle stores. The difference is different assembly lines, higher tech frame materials, better trained (paid) workers to fabricate said materials, and better components. Start a bicycle company, fly over to Taiwan with your specs, and Giant will be more than happy to build what you want, slap your name on it, and charge you accordingly, be it a POS Wal Mart bike or a Jesper Skibby "signature" race model. ALL the manufactures work on the same business model. I'm sorry you're not swift enough to grasp this.