Why Android is better than iPhone.

Brilliant, just brilliant.

Asus Transformer introduces a Dual OS Android/Windows tablet/laptop.



I would be surprised if this materializes. It has fantastic specs for a budget laptop and terrible specs for a tablet.

Anyone else notice the bit about Android 4.2.2, an OS that will be a year and a half old by the time this may ship.
We know Apple is finally, finally, bringing a larger screen later this year.

Minimum 4.7" screen. longer+wider=thinner battery means (est.) 6mm overall phone thickness.

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Google is waging war on device prices. Win for the consumer.

US google play store is selling the Moto G "google play edition" for $179 unlocked. They pledge, like all google devices, that this version will always get the latest OS updates right from google as soon as they are released.

4.5" display, quad core, and other goodies. not top top shelf, but for $179. a steal.

Not really the stats are a bit misleading and here is why.

Android compared with Apple OS is installed on Multiple multiple manufactures devices. Thats everything from the low end crap Tastic HTC's and LG's that last two years if your lucky(getting a new battery every year helps the life of cheaper phones IMO) Considering the stats state ""First phone" so i'm assuming that means they are net new to the market they may be young children who's parents don't want to buy and expensive Iphone so they get a cheaper phone that is almost defiantly the reason we see the huge short term gains for android in the market and explains the secondary and third increases in IPHONE uptake its most likely an economic choice. But even from the stats 49% (the largest group) stay with android for 3rd phones. See stats like this are hugely complicated because what this would also not show is that although 49% of third phones are android that 37% that apple has represents the largest market share because apple is the only manufacture in that segment as the below link shows.


In reality what we we are seeing is a roughly equal 50%(that EBS and flows but will probably equalize until a real game changer happens.) market share for Apple and Android OS. In the US at least IOS is crazy popular in china for obvious and unique reasons to that region. What we see is the android market being driven low prices like sunny says if googles continues to play the war on prices games they stand a good chance to hold out against apple

But as for whats better its Android WHY! REASONS THATS WHY (in truth i like android for phones and am 50/50 on tablets but Im a MAC fan boy computer and music player)
talk about incremental and barely noticeable improvement upgrade eh Sunny? I thought that was supposed to be bad...
What's so impressive? I own Samsung so I'm not hating but it looks like the s5 just caught apples 5s. :dontknow:

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The simple fact is that for the most part, these devices have reached somewhat of a plateau.

Apple still has room to increase their screen size closer to 5" to compete with the others, but besides that, not much is left other than new gimmicks and small innovations. Its mostly about padding the spec sheets. A little more ram, a little faster processor, a few more megapixels... etc. Its just slow evolution from here on, and the manufacturers know they can sell a new handset every year, so they're gonna continue pumping them out.

Tough crowd.

What I like, whether you view it as incremental or not, but still nice, nice features that no other maker has all together in one impressive phone.


-samsung dumped the bloat ware in favor of a much improved and slicker UI

-8 core processor (4 core at launch)

-gorgeous 5.1 inch display

-3 gigs ram (2 gigs at launch)

-the 16mp camera has endless features and rivals top line point and shoot cameras.

-waterproof and dustproof

-fingerprint sensor that does more than simply unlock the phone. You can buy stuff with it and it connects to PayPal. You can now purchase and pay using your fingerprint. Impressive

-heart rate monitor. The rear flash when held against your chest doubles as a heart rate monitor.

-galaxy wearable gear available that works well with the phone to make it more useful.

I could go on and on.

This will be THE android phone to beat.

Oh, and then there's apples little 4" phone still out there and still waiting for their wearable gear. :lol:

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