Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2024 Edition)

Thought it would be nice to get out today given the temps, but there's just an insane amount of briny run off everwhere now and the bike would be thoroughly coated. Until the garden hose is able to be turned back on again so I can wash the bike, not gonna do that.
Got out for a little ride this afternoon. Dug it out of the snow, took the cover off, removed the battery maintainer and topped up the air pressure. It started the moment I touched the starter button rise was barely around the block with about 110 km. Still was nice to get out for a bit!

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.. Tom
Nice (y)
Jackson Point?
Nice (y)
Jackson Point?

You got it! I'm attracted to that place and like taking a picture there early in the riding season.

You got it! I'm attracted to that place and like taking a picture there early in the riding season.

Lol, funny you mention that, I've a similar attraction to Kirkfield locks, I take a picture there beginning of every season.
JP is also one of my fav pit stops. I only recently learned they have a look out at the end malone rd.
(go past the police marine, then keep right, until end)
Lol, funny you mention that, I've a similar attraction to Kirkfield locks, I take a picture there beginning of every season.
JP is also one of my fav pit stops. I only recently learned they have a look out at the end malone rd.
(go past the police marine, then keep right, until end)

Thanks for the heads up about that observation point! Looks like a nice place to look and take pictures. Street view from Google Maps below.


Malone view point.jpg
Nice (y)
Jackson Point?

Glad I got some riding yesterday! This morning there was about a foot of wet fluffy snow on my car and roads from Port Perry down to 401 were very icy and snow covered. I only saw two cars in the ditch though.

Ugh. I was about to go last night and then someone messaged me on Kijiji that he was coming to buy something. He showed up 30 minutes later, easy transaction, by that point it was dark and I wasn't sure about ice so I said screw it I'll ride tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm having breakfast and looking outside and see the salt truck spray my street. Wonderful.
Was looking at my records. By March 3 2024 I had ridden over 3,200 km year to date. This year a bit over 110 km.

What a different winter it's been!

Thanks for the heads up about that observation point! Looks like a nice place to look and take pictures. Street view from Google Maps below.


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That's exactly where you were, Tom. The piles of snow in front of your bike in your pic, would be behind the vehicles in the Google pic. Last time I saw you ride through JP, I hopped on my bike and flew up there right behind you, hoping I might catch you admiring the scenery. I guess you had a rolling look and moved on that day, like I often do.

BTW, it’s been Jackson’s Point with an apostrophe S, since 1832. That may seem trivial, but it’s important to us who live here, and try to steward the place into the new age. Foreign developers have taken to arbitrarily renaming local landmarks recently, this being one of them, and some dopy locals have been taking the bait and legitimizing the new names by repeating them. Kinda like Trump and his effort to arbitrarily rename a certain body of water after some 400 years.

Luckily for us all, Spring is nigh. When the ice goes out, the water is crystal clear until the first strong wind event stirs up the sediment. It’s the perfect time to view the underwater marvel that is the circa 1832 Jackson’s Point Marine Railway. A great destination for a short day ride in the GTA. Click on the pics for a better view; Check it out here:

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That's exactly where you were, Tom. The piles of snow in front of your bike in your pic, would be behind the vehicles in the Google pic.

If you are saying I was where the streetview photo was in my picture I posted earlier, you are mistaken. My picture was taken at Jackson's Point Harbour . The Streetview was by the Malone Rd. Viewing point. Next time I'm up there I'll take a picture from the viewing point on Malone Rd.

Last time I saw you ride through JP, I hopped on my bike and flew up there right behind you, hoping I might catch you admiring the scenery. I guess you had a rolling look and moved on that day, like I often do.

Hard to say which way I would go but since I'm coming from the east (Port Perry) I most often go often go alone Hedge Road and then stop at Jackson's point. After JP I often go to the Timmies in Town

Thanks for the link to the Marine railway. I didn't know about it. Do you know when it was originally built?

I like old train stuff and have tracked what's left of the railway that went from **Stouffville** to Jackson's Port. (I originally wrote Uxbridge but should have written STOUFFVIULLE.)They used to take ice from Lake Simcoe at Jackson's point.

I also tracked the radial line (ie streetcar) that came from Toronto to Sutton. Just something I like doing.

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If you are saying I was where the streetview photo was in my picture I posted earlier, you are mistaken. My picture was taken at Jackson's Point Harbour . The Streetview was by the Malone Rd. Viewing point. Next time I'm up there I'll take a picture from the viewing point on Malone Rd.
Ah Yes! My mistake. The piles of snow make everything look the same. You were at the end of Lorne Street. (y)
Ah Yes! My mistake. The piles of snow make everything look the same. You were at the end of Lorne Street. (y)

Based on Google Maps It looks like the street there isn't Lorne St as that goes right by it up to Malone. I don't see a name on the turnoff that goes to the boat launch (where I took my photo.)

You are correct. There is an off shoot to the right. It might have been named Bonnie Blvd. at one time. There has been a lot of screwing around there in recent years. Don't get me started! Though I think you have!!
Lorne Street follows the right of way of the 1877 Grand Trunk Railway. It veers to the right near the lake, where it extended onto a wharf where ice was loaded onto rail cars to ship to Toronto. The present Ramada Inn was the location of the ice houses in the nineteenth century.
Don't confuse railway with Marine Railway. Similar but different. Marine railway is like the one at Big Chute.
It gets confusing for some when you have both at the same location, like in Jackson's Point.
That is very interesting history. I am going to have to go back to Jackson’s Point. I meandered around took some pictures and moved on.
Lorne Street follows the right of way of the 1877 Grand Trunk Railway. It veers to the right near the lake, where it extended onto a wharf where ice was loaded onto rail cars to ship to Toronto. The present Ramada Inn was the location of the ice houses in the nineteenth century.

I know it's splitting hairs but I think the right of way was parallel to Lorne and slightly to the east of Lorne, maybe around 10 or 20 feet. before it veered to the east to the wharf. I knew there was an ice house but not where it was located.
Lorne Street follows the right of way of the 1877 Grand Trunk Railway. It veers to the right near the lake, where it extended onto a wharf where ice was loaded onto rail cars to ship to Toronto. The present Ramada Inn was the location of the ice houses in the nineteenth century.

I'm pretty sure Grand Trunk took over the railway and later was taken over by CN here is a link about the original railway:

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Saw a rider out yesterday. Downtown Toronto, as I was Turing onto Bloor from Castle Frank (after exiting the DVP).
Smaller KTM of some type. (y)

Hopefully soon, Spring is only a few weeks away!
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