Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2021 Edition)

We’re not out of this yet…. 😩


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Go teach for a season and you’ll realize Mother Nature gives you a bit of everything until the end of May and after Sept.
Went out for a few hours this afternoon, much better then last time (no crazy wind).

Better weather must be getting close, already had a bee hanging around the bike... :rolleyes:
Once you get yourself heated gear, you'll wonder how you managed without it.
First ride of the year down to Port Hope and back. Part of it was on the 401 and I was worried that my Warm n Safe jacket was wasn't working as I kept turning up the controller and not feeling any warmer. It seems to work much better when you remember to plug it in.
Another good day for a ride and tinkering in the garage. Decided to do both.
@timtune ditto...went for a short ride as the sun went away and it got cool fast (no heated gear here YET)...came home and gave the beast a bath (was looking pretty gnarly from having hit some wet and muddy areas yesterday)...all in all, a great way to end March Break. :D
What a great day! Although we're confined to the valley for our rides, I'm glad that one of our favorite twisty roads in the area has been swept clean. Got the crew together and went for a longer rip.


Wife's bike is not yet insured for the season, so she stole mine. I had a lot of fun chasing her down.


Hit a high of 12° briefly, but for most of the ride, we were hovering around 7-8°. A bit chilly at speed!


Despite the cooler temps, I'm just glad we're getting all this riding done before Spring has officially begun!

Congrats to all who got out before the last day of Winter (only two more days left)! Here's to a great start to a long riding season!
Managed to get out today for two rides. One on each bike.

First ride was on the VStrom for a site visit at work. The new exhaust sounds so deep and it just growls, so now I'm spending more time hovering just below redline. The bike is about 30lbs lighter without the skidplate and stock exhaust - I think I can feel the difference, but not sure if it's just in my head. Took the 401 across the city and kept it in a lower gear almost the whole way there just to hear it more. So much for fuel economy.

Second ride was to go get the FZ1 certified and was my first time riding the bike. Very surprised at how smooth it is, but I can see myself liking this bike very much.

Now just patiently waiting for the rains tomorrow to wash the roads a little cleaner for some Sunday fun.
Managed to get out today for two rides. One on each bike.

First ride was on the VStrom for a site visit at work. The new exhaust sounds so deep and it just growls, so now I'm spending more time hovering just below redline. The bike is about 30lbs lighter without the skidplate and stock exhaust - I think I can feel the difference, but not sure if it's just in my head. Took the 401 across the city and kept it in a lower gear almost the whole way there just to hear it more. So much for fuel economy.

Second ride was to go get the FZ1 certified and was my first time riding the bike. Very surprised at how smooth it is, but I can see myself liking this bike very much.

Now just patiently waiting for the rains tomorrow to wash the roads a little cleaner for some Sunday fun.
I guess youre planning to keep both?
They do similar duty no?
I guess youre planning to keep both?
They do similar duty no?
Yes they do similar duty, but they ride so very different from each other.
I can't see myself selling the V-Strom. It's so perfect for me and I wouldn't get much for it anyways with all the scratches and over 70k on it. But it rides really nice, with the suspension just right and being super comfy, and now sounding better.

I actually like the sound on the stock can of the FZ1, so that's staying. Maybe just get a Corbin seat and it's done.
Went out for a few hours this afternoon, turned out better then I thought it would be. Usual puttering went up to Sharon saw the temple.
Saw a few riders out as well (y)
Was out yesterday, not far maybe 250 km. Saw two cruiser's (I think they were) heading onto country Rd 57 north not far from hwy 35. Other than that didn't see anyone. Dropped off my bike at my dealer for some sceduled maint and a couple of minor issues. With luck will be picking up soon.

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