Who's still riding? (Fall 2017 / Winter 2018 edition)

We didn’t really get any measurable amount of snow so far, however looking at the radar the lake affect machine is now starting up with the cold front having gone through and then wind gusts being strong - wouldn’t be surprised to wake up to some accumulation here in the a.m.
Was a nice ride home until about the last 5 minutes. A squall line came through and coated my bike and me with frozen snow. Traction was still plenty good.

it is really nasty out - wndy and cold going out shopping ....in the cage :rolleyes:

past my payscale for the next coupl of days
Drove to work today. My local road's were ice and snow covered.


Good call. That is slippery crap out there right now. Hopefully nobody got caught out in that last night on a bike. I regretted not putting snows on the car.
Well (ladies &) gents, seems like it's a wrap ...at least for this week.

Usually "the air hurts my face" is also a pretty good indicator that i'm not riding that day.

Today is one of those days.
There's this guy on a yellow Vespa type scooter that I often see on my way to work a few mornings a week. Saw him this morning in the snow squals.

I gotta say, the bike is pretty gay but that guy is a trooper.
There's this guy on a yellow Vespa type scooter that I often see on my way to work a few mornings a week. Saw him this morning in the snow squals.

I gotta say, the bike is pretty gay but that guy is a trooper.

Was this in guelph? Because I saw a guy in identical situation riding a yellow scooter last year in the snow
It was a little chilly out today, but i wanted to get out for a ride, so off I went. It was nice and crisp out. Amazingly, despite the salt on the roads, my bike didn't disintegrate and despite the cold tires and cold pavement, I didn't drop the bike on the first corner. Who knew.
Is it safe to ride anymore? I'm thinking of riding to work tomorrow the weather looks like its going to be warmer on the weekend and the following week.
It was a little chilly out today, but i wanted to get out for a ride, so off I went. It was nice and crisp out. Amazingly, despite the salt on the roads, my bike didn't disintegrate and despite the cold tires and cold pavement, I didn't drop the bike on the first corner. Who knew.

I call BS!

There is no way your bike didn't disintegrate at the sight of salt, let alone while riding on it! And with the temperatures so low those tires would be so hard and slippery your bike probably would fall off the sidestand, let alone let you ride! And how could you even stay warm standing around Timmie's, let alone actually riding it????

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