Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Already briming Yonge at Hwy 7 area and north.

Geezus. In my opinion that amounts to nothing more than overkill all things considered. Seems that in some municipalities nobody in charge of the salt and brine trucks actually pays attention to the forecast, not only for the days ahead.. but even the hours ahead? The temperature isn't forecasted to so below zero again for at least the next 9 days...and do we really need brine on the roads for a skiff of snow that's mostly melting on contact with the asphalt?
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New tires going on tomorrow then i'll be putting more miles on. Saturday looks great!
Bike is always ready for a ride.... just need some time and decent weather. A couple of nice days showing for next week. Been a great year have not ridden for over 20 years. I managed to put on just over 10k so far.
I'm in with this.... Either snow falls or they salt the streets, whichever comes first!
Having said that, does anyone know when do they salt the streets in downtown Toronto/GTA area?

I noticed some roads were brined up in the York/Durham region starting after the last weekend.

Some riders should put their bikes away because the moment you ride on salt the bike will instantly turn into a pile of corrosion.

I noticed some roads were brined up in the York/Durham region starting after the last weekend.

Some riders should put their bikes away because the moment you ride on salt the bike will instantly turn into a pile of corrosion.

Best to have a summer bike and winter bike separately.
Went out yesterday in 2.5C for a ride. Chilly, but not too bad with a heated seat and grips. Today we have freezing rain and snow....no ride.
I noticed some roads were brined up in the York/Durham region starting after the last weekend.

Some riders should put their bikes away because the moment you ride on salt the bike will instantly turn into a pile of corrosion.


Thanks Tom, I noticed that too yesterday when I went to top up at the pump.
680 News just reported that salt trucks are out on Highway 400 in the Barrie area.

I'll join the chorus of people that don't freak out about salt. Yes, after a heavy snow when it's still in piles at intersections and splayed over the road and all lines up in between the tire tracks it's an issue, however after a few days of nice weather and perhaps some rain or wind to clean things up...residue and dry brine don't bother me one bit.

Last winter was a great example As plenty of us rode all winter long despite the locational salting and brining – simply pay attention to what's on the roads (particularly at intersections and corners, watch for the loose salt and sand), and ride on. Your bike will not disintegrate into a pile of rust and can be washed the same as your car.
Corrosion, as a chemical process, is also temperature dependent. Not much is going to happen at -10C. What you don't want to do is leave that salty crust on your ride come springtime.
My wife just drove home from work in Peterborough...apparently they're out with the rock salt all over the 35/115 up there.
To each their own on the salt thing...but to me it's not really worth it in the fall. Yeah maybe you'll get a ride or two in, but with the temps around 10 it won't be overly enjoyable, plus if there is any salt left on the bike after washing, it's going to sit the whole winter with it on the bike. At least if you bring the bike out a touch early in the spring, it will probably get washed a number of times over the first month or so, which will take care of anything that got on it.

If they really are putting down brine and rock salt on HWY 7 and the 115/35 I'm pretty much done for 2016. Not really much fun puttering around in the city anyways. Also sucks a little, as this would be the earliest I've put the bike away I think (past few years have always been around mid to potentially late November).
Cold don't bother me and I was looking forward to perhaps at least one more ride on Saturday. However My 1 year old bike won't be subjected to Salt. I guess it's winterization time :(
Your bike will not disintegrate into a pile of rust and can be washed the same as your car.

what he said but don't overdue the washing ...can make it worse. Salt is way overblown except it's slippery.

Sand is nasty
Just came across this site: http://trackmyplow.com/

Now you don't have to wonder where those salt trucks are. Still a lot out as of right now.

Around lunch there was an insane amount in packs up the 400 towards Barrie. Looks like they stopped around Davis Drive (at least that was the furthest south I saw one). Interesting I did spot one on the 401 near Ajax. Didn't think there was any accumulated snow in that region.

I'm done for the season. Washed the bike last weekend and will take the bike for one last short ride and then change the oil this weekend.
Just came across this site: http://trackmyplow.com/

Now you don't have to wonder where those salt trucks are. Still a lot out as of right now.

Around lunch there was an insane amount in packs up the 400 towards Barrie. Looks like they stopped around Davis Drive (at least that was the furthest south I saw one). Interesting I did spot one on the 401 near Ajax. Didn't think there was any accumulated snow in that region.

I'm done for the season. Washed the bike last weekend and will take the bike for one last short ride and then change the oil this weekend.

Please tell me they aren't already salting the 401 corridor....then again, if they did it after a single snowflake touched the ground it wouldn't fully surprise me.

Had to bookmark that site too, although it appears to be down atm. Hopefully it also shows a history, as it would remove a lot of the guesswork to know if they resalted after a rainstorm.

Only other one of some use I had bookmarked before was this:

Rode DT to work on Tuesday, probably gonna ride in again tomorrow. I hear it's warming up a bit next week though!
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