Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Thank you!

(mods, sticky?)

I don't think so.. while that works for black_cg2 it really isn't anything special. Lots of people have different ideas that work for them.

(Assuming you aren't doing electric jacket) Tank top seems silly if you are trying for max warmth.. why not a full t-shirt? Whatever you put over the T-shirt for me the next layer after would be something Fleece and then a soft shell. Riding jacket over that. I can't see wanting to sear a hoodie under riding jacket or to have it hanging out but I'm an old fart.

My commute is about one hour, 80 km each way, roughly half 407. I also do a number of day trips on weekends.

Here is what works for me down to freezing: I wear my normal street clothes that I would wear when at work or when stopping for coffee or lunch on a ride. I don't wear long underwear as I find I get way too hot when I stop but on a day long ride might wear a T-shirt under whatever shirt I would normally wear where I am stopping. So if commuting I would have my wool Suit pants, if casual then probably my jeans.

On top I would wear on top of the shirt: Heated Jacket, Soft Shell, riding suit. If much below freezing I may add one layer of fleece on top of the heated jacket under the soft shell. On bottom my regular Street pants (no long underwear), Fleece pants if very close to or below 0°c , my Riding Suit over everything.

Heated gloves keep my hands toasty below 10c. My regular Tilley Travel Dress socks work for commuting even below freezing, for longer rides I would add something warmer on my feet in my regular Alpinestar Web Goretex boots.

November 11, for this year, is the day it finally happened. First time this season I felt uncomfortably cool on the bike dressed in urban casual. I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. All things considered I would consider this later. I will remember this day, if not specific year.
(Assuming you aren't doing electric jacket) Tank top seems silly if you are trying for max warmth.. why not a full t-shirt? Whatever you put over the T-shirt for me the next layer after would be something Fleece and then a soft shell. Riding jacket over that. I can't see wanting to sear a hoodie under riding jacket or to have it hanging out but I'm an old fart.

My commute is about one hour, 80 km each way, roughly half 407. I also do a number of day trips on weekends.

Here is what works for me down to freezing: I wear my normal street clothes that I would wear when at work or when stopping for coffee or lunch on a ride. I don't wear long underwear as I find I get way too hot when I stop but on a day long ride might wear a T-shirt under whatever shirt I would normally wear where I am stopping. So if commuting I would have my wool Suit pants, if casual then probably my jeans.

On top I would wear on top of the shirt: Heated Jacket, Soft Shell, riding suit. If much below freezing I may add one layer of fleece on top of the heated jacket under the soft shell. On bottom my regular Street pants (no long underwear), Fleece pants if very close to or below 0°c , my Riding Suit over everything.

Heated gloves keep my hands toasty below 10c. My regular Tilley Travel Dress socks work for commuting even below freezing, for longer rides I would add something warmer on my feet in my regular Alpinestar Web Goretex boots.


Thanks. Yes I agree, tank top is a bit silly. Should have gone with t-shirt. My commute is 15 km roundtrip only. That being said I don't think I want to invest $500+ in heated gloves and jacket. However, I have seen some cheap heated gloves for like $70 to $90 and jacket/vest for $100 online. Anybody use the cheaper stuff?
Still commuting daily and hit the forks Thursday, despite the wind. I'm putting off winterizing as long as I can.
Still commuting daily and hit the forks Thursday, despite the wind. I'm putting off winterizing as long as I can.
Right on....me too. Which means, until the snow starts sticking to the street. Although, I may stop riding just prior to snowfall.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
Thanks. Yes I agree, tank top is a bit silly. Should have gone with t-shirt. My commute is 15 km roundtrip only. That being said I don't think I want to invest $500+ in heated gloves and jacket. However, I have seen some cheap heated gloves for like $70 to $90 and jacket/vest for $100 online. Anybody use the cheaper stuff?

I rode for a number of years without heated jacket or gloves (just heated grips.) My advice is lots of layers.. fleece is very much your friend top and bottom. I also recommend a soft shell over everything except you bike jacket as it will stop the wind and that is a huge key to staying comfy. Glove liners and/or overgloves can help you hands a lot.

Downside of not having the heated gear is it can get quite bulky and make controlling the bike awkward. You might also end up looking like this:

Still riding around daily. That said, I regret riding to Staples in nothing more than a dress shirt and my Joe Rocket textile jacket today. Morning was sunny and mild, afternoon cold and crazy windy. Brrr.
Planning for a 2-3 hour outing somewhere on Sunday, it's looking decent - 11 and sunny. That'll work!
Pinned to the office all day but it was cold tho lovely sunshine. Unshipped the CBF from the corner of the garage...topped up the battery and got permission from the insurance company for a day coverage to get gas etc.
Geez I miss riding that nimble little bike ...feel so much smaller than the Strom.

Get a couple hours in tomorrow I hope....then snug it away for the season and plod around on the Mule.
Just rode somewhere in the city, unless I'm mistaken it looks like the city brined the roads last night. Or at least yonge street
I finished work a bit late yesterday--2 degrees at that point--but the heated gear kept it real. The Pinlock was really struggling though. Needed to vent at stoplights. Keep thinking bigly, GTAM. We're gonna get to Christmas again, I know it.
I finished work a bit late yesterday--2 degrees at that point--but the heated gear kept it real. The Pinlock was really struggling though. Needed to vent at stoplights. Keep thinking bigly, GTAM. We're gonna get to Christmas again, I know it.

A little too soon to assume we're going to make it until Christmas, this weather is very unpredictable. I hope so as well but I know it ain't gonna happen.

As for me, I'll keep riding until it snows or temperature stays above 5C.
I finished work a bit late yesterday--2 degrees at that point--but the heated gear kept it real. The Pinlock was really struggling though. Needed to vent at stoplights. Keep thinking bigly, GTAM. We're gonna get to Christmas again, I know it.

I don't have the luxury of heated gear :(
I'm looking out the window and it looks quite pleasant outside. I don't need heated gears. I need more windows.
There is amild La Nina in the Pacific .....opposite of the record El Nino that created the mild weather for this part of North America last winter.

That said ...does not mean we will get an Arctic vortex either. The Arctic is still off the chaet warm as is the Great Lakes.
Anyone downwind of them will get lots of lake effect. IF that jet stream loop breakout occurs it will shut down riding right quick.

If it stays west ..we can get decent weather.....andso far ..it has...get out there.
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