Whoever these idiots are take it off the 401 Westbound! This was just west of the 427

When your driver friends complain about bikes turn around and complain about all the drunk drivers in cars and non drunk drivers that cause accidents daily snarling traffic or drivers on their cellphones texting while driving. Tell them fix that so they stop killing bikers and other drivers.

As for the stunters, there will always be that group, wont stop, wont change.

Guys/Girls stunnaz, cut it out. Stop it, now or else someone will make another post.
It is riders like this that make the rest of us look bad. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sick and tired of friends, co-workers, etc. telling me that they witnessed something like this and asking if I do wheelies along the highways and the shame I feel in telling them I can't. Although a pit bull came at me once in West Virginia while at a stop and I think I popped the clutch and wheelied away. It was by accident and my feet fell of the pegs but still...

Anyway, soon driverless cars will have sensors to avoid gangs of riderless bikes set to two o'clock.

LOL, my best wheelies are by accident too.
Looks like a fun time to me! Doesnt seem like a lot of traffic, and highways are great for wheelies. Road surface is nice and no intersections to worry about. I commend these gentlemen for YOLO'ing on one wheel.
Only people who don't know how to wheelie think this kinda stuff is dangerous. I've hit tar strips on one wheel, gone over potholes etc. Nothing happens.
Looks like a fun time to me! Doesnt seem like a lot of traffic, and highways are great for wheelies. Road surface is nice and no intersections to worry about. I commend these gentlemen for YOLO'ing on one wheel.
Only people who don't know how to wheelie think this kinda stuff is dangerous. I've hit tar strips on one wheel, gone over potholes etc. Nothing happens.

pics or it didn't happen
I don't really care if these guys stunt drive, I just don't like them doing it in places where they are likely to cause someone else to get hurt. If you want to take deadly risks where nobody else can get hurt that is your business, after all its your life. But you wipe out on the 401 and you can cause a traffic pile-up. Why not do your stunting in a place where there's no traffic? Abandoned country road? Empty parking lot? There's got to be a better place.

They can't. It's illegal to stunt in parking lot and as for country road...it's far, dark, and the people there will also complain.
I think these guys need to use quieter pipes...stunt ninjas.

As I recall the stunters would go to a large industrial parking lots/spots around the GTA but that does not happen anymore.

Typical govt. mindset, shut it all down with no solutions.
Much like the street racers that used to race on farm roads or industrial areas blocking off roads to keep people out/safe...but once again crack down on that.
They can't. It's illegal to stunt in parking lot and as for country road...it's far, dark, and the people there will also complain.
I think these guys need to use quieter pipes...stunt ninjas.

As I recall the stunters would go to a large industrial parking lots/spots around the GTA but that does not happen anymore.

People still do this, but they don't go advertising on a public forum of where they do it and they keep it low-key and don't want to attract attention.

People that stunt on the street do it for the attention.
I guess when you see someone riding fast you go to the track/race forum to yell at people over there? You must be a fun person ;)

Anyways, continue you rant... I am out

Nope... Most of the riders I know who like to go fast do it on track days and/or do track days to improve their skills. Those of you who race have my respect for your skills.
Nope... Most of the riders I know who like to go fast do it on track days and/or do track days to improve their skills. Those of you who race have my respect for your skills.

Is there a cut-off? I find in most races the field spreads way out quickly. I'm pretty sure the back half isn't the zenith of the dominant species.
Is there a cut-off? I find in most races the field spreads way out quickly. I'm pretty sure the back half isn't the zenith of the dominant species.
Haters gonna hate

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Is there a cut-off? I find in most races the field spreads way out quickly. I'm pretty sure the back half isn't the zenith of the dominant species.

Szoke/Reidman/Young pull away from me like I'm sitting still. They average 2-3s a lap faster, after 22 laps that's a big gap.

I should just stick to ramping I guess or go back to the intermediate group doing track days.
Those of you who race have my respect for your skills.

Szoke/Reidman/Young pull away from me like I'm sitting still. They average 2-3s a lap faster, after 22 laps that's a big gap.

I should just stick to ramping I guess or go back to the intermediate group doing track days.

Hmm. Zoodles95 lumped everybody together. Do you? Just because somebody races doesn't mean they deserve any special respect based on assumed skill. They just happened to put themselves out there on the track where just as able bodied street riders don't for whatever reason. If I see a trailered race bike on the 401 I don't flip up my visor and scream "I AM NOT WORTHY!!!"
You sound a little insecure inreb. It's cool, I respect Pro racers and any other racer because I know regardless of speed there is a lot of effort, dedication and commitment to racing and support from family. Like most other sports

Oh and balls... which is one of the reasons many street riders don't race :)
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Seriously? Thanks for making other Motorcyclists look bad...

These pics were taken about 7km or so west of where we first saw them. Group of 10 or so and then they had spread out a bit by this point. If you know these guys please tell them to smarten up.

Maybe they did take your advice and maybe they did take it off the 401 westbound. Maybe they came back to put it on the 401 eastbound instead.

Read the following on https://www.facebook.com/AM980London/
Mike Galbraith I was there and the bikers were at fault pulling wheelies in the middle of the Hwy

Sometimes you have to wonder whether such comments are BS or not, but photos taken at the scene do show that commenter at the scene of the crash. Look at the 4th photo at this link, guy wearing a blue shirt at bottom right of the photo is the same person who said they were doing wheelies. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CoCVfkAWAAAgCyX.jpg http://www.am980.ca/2016/07/23/deadly-401-collision-leaves-1-man-dead-2-injured/


If what he said is true, it brings back to mind what Halton Police advised riders not too many days ago... "It’s not the other vehicle you need to worry about.”

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Hmm. Zoodles95 lumped everybody together. Do you? Just because somebody races doesn't mean they deserve any special respect based on assumed skill. They just happened to put themselves out there on the track where just as able bodied street riders don't for whatever reason. If I see a trailered race bike on the 401 I don't flip up my visor and scream "I AM NOT WORTHY!!!"

I respect these riders for both racing, and for improving their skills (I know a lot of riders who do track days to improve their skills). Not sure why you have been following me around the forum lately. However, with my wife checking out those stunters so much maybe I should appreciate the extra attention. ;)
You sound a little insecure inreb. It's cool, I respect Pro racers and any other racer because I know regardless of speed there is a lot of effort, dedication and commitment to racing and support from family. Like most other sports

Oh and balls... which is one of the reasons many street riders don't race :)
Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk

Explaining why I don't race would be like PrivatePilot explaining how his life is just ticketeeboo without a Harley thankyouverymuch, and I think you'll agree nobody wants to read that.
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Explaining why I don't race would be like PrivatePilot explaining how his life is just ticketeeboo without a Harley thankyouverymuch, and I think you'll agree nobody wants to read that.

hahaha... I love how inreb ties this forum together... like the rug that tied the room together.

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Hmm. Zoodles95 lumped everybody together. Do you? Just because somebody races doesn't mean they deserve any special respect based on assumed skill. They just happened to put themselves out there on the track where just as able bodied street riders don't for whatever reason. If I see a trailered race bike on the 401 I don't flip up my visor and scream "I AM NOT WORTHY!!!"

Even a slow amature is probably a decent amount faster then 95% of road riders. You'd be VERY surprised at the amount of skill, dedication, and as zx600 put it "balls" it takes to ride at a fast pace and compete. For instance, the "slow" pro's that were near the back of the pack during the race last year were doing 1:23's at Mosport. NO street rider would get anywhere close to that time. It may look like they're slow because the front guys are going 2s a lap faster but believe me they're not. I'd be VERY impressed if a street rider was givin my bike and broke a 1:35. Its a different skill, just like dirt biking, which people who haven't done it know nothing about the skill it takes to ride one at speed.

You don't need to worship the ground these people walk on but don't try and fool yourself thinking that you can do what they can but you just don't want to lol.
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