while you ask me why the police didn't do this or that? i can also ask you why the black bloc tards had to trash things that didn't belong to them, or trashing a city they don't live in. yeah you can't answer that either. i think your posts are full of ignorance and fail. yeah, everyone has an opinion.
were you actually downtown? did you see everything happen before your eyes? the chain of events that you described, you heard it on the news. so you are already biased and you don't even know it. now that is fail.
while you focus on the number of store that got trashed, reasonable people focus on the number of stores that were saved because of the police. people like are you always look at the glass as half empty.
deep down, you WANT police to be corrupt, this way you can biatch about things all day long, and feel better about yourself.
wow, a whole lot of non-answer. . .it's pretty clear you have nothing and are reaching badly.
your statements are pathetically wrong.
--i wanted to see the black bloc arrested. in fact, i have posted this several times before, i would have loved to have seen the armed police goon squad do their job on them. BUT THEY DIDN'T. i have no problem with criminals being arrested and dealt with harshly, since it was obvious to all that they were committing crimes--as clearly documented on video, numerous LIVE television feeds, and photos. why do the black bloc do these things? not going waste my time here, but do yourself a favour and google it--they have been present at g8 and g20 summits for some time now, it's not a mystery why they do what they do. . .apparently you didn't bother to look for yourself.
--reasonable people want their police force to protect them against people like the black bloc, especially when our tax dollars (over $1 billion, btw) paid for lots of overtime, extra officers, and a tonne of new toys for the police. reasonable people will say that thousands of cops versus under a hundred black bloc should have been a no-brainer. the fact that they were allowed to go on a prolonged march through most of downtown toronto is a disgrace. . .but not as big a disgrace as the violation of civil liberties that took place later that day and into sunday. . .
--no one wants the police to be corrupt. you're wrong again. your statement is beyond crass and simplistic. furthermore, this is not actually about corruption. this is about abuse of powers, violation of civil liberties, and failing to perform their duties--not corruption.
so, in your non-answer, the reason the police failed to do their duty is because: the black bloc, news coverage and bias, people were optimistic, and corruption. lol. the logical fallacies are just piling up. . .
don't quit your day job, son.