Who is spooning there own rubber?

Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

I haven't paid someone to change tires for me in many years. A few friends and I went splits on a NoMar changer for the street/track bikes and dirt bike tires as Iceman said, two good levers, a bead buddy and a 5 gallon pail. Oh, and a few beers. :)
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

Tires, suspension oil, and motor rebuilds are the things I don’t do. Take my money.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

You don't do your dirt bike tires? Surprised.
Tires, suspension oil, and motor rebuilds are the things I don’t do. Take my money.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

Some good advice here. I went the Harbor Freight motorcycle changer adapter route with homemade no-mar modifications since I have their car tire changer already. Worth looking into for a more serious budget setup but there is definately some time input required to make it work at all. It works slick with how I have it set up. Tons of info online.

Spooning stiff walled dirt / dual sport tires just sucks. I've seen those speed tire change videos before where the tire basically falls off / on with no lube whatsoever. If you think that works on all tires you are in for a big surprise. Even with my rig using a proper car tire lever it is still a ***** to mount these things heavily lubed up and being mindful of the tube / rim lock and ensuring the tire is in the rim channel. I do all mechanical work myself and tire changes are far from my favorite thing to do.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

I've used tire spoons for a long time to do sport bike and dual sport tires, i have a no-mar and it helps.
But DS tires are easy to do yourself, just be careful and dont force it.

watch that inner tube!
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

When I got back into dirtbiking this season I thought maybe I'd swap my own tires. I had a friend show me how to change them. To be fair he was just getting into doing his own changes as well but had done a few and said he could teach me. He pinched one brand new HD tube and seeing how much he worked/sweat changing those two tires I changed my mind and will be paying a shop to do it for me. He had the nice tire/wheel holder, breaker, and all the good tools. No doubt it's something that requires practice to get good at but I doubt I'll go through enough dirt tires to make it worth my while at this time.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

When I got back into dirtbiking this season I thought maybe I'd swap my own tires. I had a friend show me how to change them. To be fair he was just getting into doing his own changes as well but had done a few and said he could teach me. He pinched one brand new HD tube and seeing how much he worked/sweat changing those two tires I changed my mind and will be paying a shop to do it for me. He had the nice tire/wheel holder, breaker, and all the good tools. No doubt it's something that requires practice to get good at but I doubt I'll go through enough dirt tires to make it worth my while at this time.

Ouch! Yes DS tires with inner tubes are not as easy to re-install or dismount if you want to save the tube. Its all about technique...

When you watch people who do tires often , they make it seem easy. but its all about technique and experience.
100's of tires later, I can do them pretty quickly . But there is always 1-2 tires every year that will give me some pain.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?


Since I've been running Bib Mousses I bought this machine to help. It's certainly not needed, but I remove and relube the mousses every couple rides.
I have one of those as well. Got it on a group buy a couple years ago for a hundred bucks.


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Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

When I got back into dirtbiking this season I thought maybe I'd swap my own tires. I had a friend show me how to change them. To be fair he was just getting into doing his own changes as well but had done a few and said he could teach me. He pinched one brand new HD tube and seeing how much he worked/sweat changing those two tires I changed my mind and will be paying a shop to do it for me. He had the nice tire/wheel holder, breaker, and all the good tools. No doubt it's something that requires practice to get good at but I doubt I'll go through enough dirt tires to make it worth my while at this time.

If you are working hard and sweating when changing tires, you are doing it wrong. I was told that before I started doing my own, and remember it every time i start to struggle, I take a step back, find a better approach technique and get it done no problem.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

I have one of those as well. Got it on a group buy a couple years ago for a hundred bucks.


Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk

You're referring to the TMT original, which I always regretted not getting in on for that group buy. But I was lucky enough have a buddy grab one. Check the link out and you'll see they have come a long way, and the price has gone up quite a bit, lol.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

I have one of those as well. Got it on a group buy a couple years ago for a hundred bucks.


Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk

Wow ... 100CAD when it retails for 549USD? ... hell of group by, I'd jump on. It looks like a slick design, but unless I have a lot of tires to do every season, spooning it is.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

You're referring to the TMT original, which I always regretted not getting in on for that group buy. But I was lucky enough have a buddy grab one. Check the link out and you'll see they have come a long way, and the price has gone up quite a bit, lol.

I was going to say ... now it makes sense. So what was it at the very beginning? Just curious.
Re: Who is spooning their own rubber?

That looks very simple, slick and not priced badly. But it really helps only with mounting. So one has to still spoon well to dismount a tire.
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