Who is feeling the winter blues...?

Winter time is also an excellent opportunity to search for new insurance since TD is raising rates.

+1000 right there. I've got until the end of the month as that's renewal time for me :(

As for hating / having winter blues...meh...it's winter, we're in Canada, and as much as I miss the bike I enjoy this time of year. Especially considering the lack of snow...hopefully it'll be an early spring and we can all enjoy our rides again soon!

Personally I'm planning what piece to buy next (windshield selection in full swing) and looking forward to the Cannonball 1000 in June! Trying to drum up interest with buddies that ride....but they're not convinced as it's 'too far and it may be wet'....pansies...
Winter time is also an excellent opportunity to search for new insurance since TD is raising rates.


"Winter blues" for me only hits for the first few weeks without the bike... but at that time there's still good mountain biking, so I can get my fill on weekends.

Winter's good time for planning: new bike or mod current bike or vacation in spring or ... I'm scheming on a vacation for spring, and doing Vegas this weekend for a short-trip.

Working more these days, doing more training, and spending time working on the house (indoor projects). Gonna build a couch table in a few weeks... just keep busy!

... and if the snow piles high enough at a local resort; it'll be time to wax the snowboards and get out there!
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