Who carries there tool kit ? | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Who carries there tool kit ?

I have had to use mine a couple of times for myself. Once after an unscheduled dismount, I needed it to bolt some stuff back together to continue the ride. Once to change a fouled plug. The tool kit that came with my bike was pretty weak so I have put my own together (added extra plugs, locking pliers, small multibit screw driver, allen keys, small adjustable wrench).

BTW, I have used mine to fix OTHER PEOPLES bikes way more than I have ever needed it for mine. Other people who were not carrying their tool kits! A lot of times it was needed to tighten a bolt that came lose on someone else's bike and for more serious breakdowns. In all cases the conversation started, well I never thought I would need...
I keep it but will probably never use it on the side of the road. Even in the garage most of the tools seem to be useless. Rear axle bolt wrench was useless when I tried to use it... found another tool that fit the front but I bent the crap out of it trying to use it for that (apparently it's actually for the spark plugs... who knew?). I can't see most of it being very useful for much but I'll leave it in there. If I'm ever going to do a serious trip I'm going to make a new one that actually has more and better tools in it.
Toolkit always in its stock location (in front of rear tire, in a box under the tail), you can barely see it there anyways.
The stock tool kit has the special wrench to adjust the rear shock and everything else I would need to take apart my bike.

There is no advantage of not carrying a toolkit.
Heck in my car/truck, not only do I carry basic tools but I sometimes carry an extra belt and wipers as well.
i don't have a factory kit but i always carry an allan key multi tool, a normal multi tool, a multi head screw driver, a small ratchet and a few common small sockets, a small bottle of wd40, a few single use super glue things, zip ties, fuses and a little key chain flash light. It all fits in an old allan key bag that i wrap up with a rag and a few shop towels and i can still fit it into the factory tool kit location and you can't even tell its there.
I carry a tool kit, a Stop & Go puncture kit and some extra wrenches. All stuffed under the seat. It's about getting stuck when you are miles from nowhere. I don't want to wait for someone to come get me if I can fix it myself in a few minutes.

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