Everyone should read the federal cannabis legislation understand its ins and outs. Here's the links for those interested.
https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/laws-regulations.html http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/cannabis/ Here were my main takeaways. Interestingly, there are no federal limits to the amount of cannabis an adult can have at their home. There is a limit to the amount of cannabis an adult can possess in public (travel with, mail, move) at any one time and it depends on the type of product (it's 30 grams for dried product for example). One can share or gift up to 30 grams of cannabis with another other adult at any single time; it's the same as the limit for the amount can can possess in public. There are no limits to how many times one can share or gift cannabis (it's illegal to sell cannabis if you aren't licensed/authorized). It's only legal to buy cannabis from government licensed sellers. It's illegal to knowingly possess illegal cannabis. Adults can send cannabis to each other anywhere in Canada by the mail/courier (subject to the public possession limits in any one shipment). Canada Post even has an information page on mailing cannagis. OTOH, licensed cannabis sellers cannot sell beyond their provincial jurisdiction. Adults can grow, from licensed seed or seedlings, up to 4 cannabis plants per residence for personal use. And there are widely varying Cannabis laws from province to province which may further restrict Cannabis so everyone should try to understand their provincial legislation. In some provinces it's legal to use cannabis in public while in other provinces it's illegal. QC has further restricted possession limits with a total residential property limit of 150 grams maximum (dried product) no matter how many adults are present, and a 150 gram maximum limit again for any one adult's total possession across any and all of their residences. There are some interesting ins-and outs that are important to know. Here's my quick layman law interpretation. 4 plants maximum now (as mentioned). If you received (by sharing or gift, not buying) 80 grams of "fresh" cannabis that's within the fresh cannabis public possession limit (150 grams for fresh) so you can receive it and travel/ship with it without issue. If it's dry cannabis one could share/gift 30 grams at a time and travel home with it to end up with 80 grams at home and that's all legal. Totally understandable. It's never a good idea to try to explain things unless you well understand the legal aspects of the cannabis legislation. Scenarios can be legal or illegal simply based on statements given.