White Smoke coming from engine??


Well-known member
Hi All,

Would like to share my recent freak out with my bike. I was doing my check of the bike and noticed I had 0 coolant and proceeded to fill the container. After riding for about an hour, I came to a stop and noticed an odd smell and white smoke fuming from underneath my gas tank, and I assumed it was coming from my engine. Temperature was normal, didn't sound or act funny. After doing some research online, found that it was likely the head gasket. Today, I took off the fairings, ready to get a closer look. I noticed that my center under cowl had completely melted against the headers because I was sloppy and did not properly affix the connectors to the bike. To make sure, I broke a piece of the cowl and starting burning it. Sure enough, white smoke and that distinct odor were in the air. So I am happy to find out that it wasn't as catastrophic as I thought.:D

True story.
note to self: do not buy mint, well maintained bike from you in the future :D
White smoke and no coolant may still indicate that your bike is sucking coolant into the engine. The smell from burning/melting plastic is quite distinct and different from coolant being drawn into the cylinder/s

What bike/year of bike is it?

Wouldn't the white smoke be coming out of the exhaust if the coolant was mixing in the engine? its an 04 gsxr600
Wouldn't the white smoke be coming out of the exhaust if the coolant was mixing in the engine? its an 04 gsxr600

Unless it was dripping/spraying on the headers. Was just your expansion tank empty or was the rad empty as well?
Not sure about the rad...I would think it was fine since I started it the next day and left it running for 5mins and the temperature rose at a normal rate. The expansion tank was definitely empty.
Unless it was dripping/spraying on the headers. Was just your expansion tank empty or was the rad empty as well?
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