White Sharks


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Just watching a show on CBC
Apparently there are a lot more sharks off the coast of NS then what they thought

Remember being a kid and swimming in the bay, never in my time did I think about sharks being around
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Just watching a show on CBC
Apparently there are a lot more sharks off the coast of NS then what they thought

Remember being a kid and swimming in the bay, never in my time did I think about sharks being around
About 10 years ago, I had a close encounter with a big ass shark. More than six feet from dorsal fin to tail. My wife and I were boogie boarding in a national seashore. We were the only people for miles. A plane was circling for a while but did not do anything to get our attention. When I saw it, the shark was two waves out from me and swimming back and forth. F that. We got out and the plane and shark buggered off. I guess they just wanted video of us getting eaten.
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Hopefully he didn't know any of the people in the Fort Smith plane crash and is trying to get his mind off it. Some of the people killed were in similar circles to TS IIRC.
Nope, All my mates answered the text. From my understanding it was support workers, cleaning crew.

Also only hear say, is they didn’t deice properly
Nope, All my mates answered the text. From my understanding it was support workers, cleaning crew.

Also only hear say, is they didn’t deice properly
Good to hear. The list I have seen had a heavy duty mechanic and haul truck driver on it.
Good to hear. The list I have seen had a heavy duty mechanic and haul truck driver on it.
As strange as it is I’ve never been to that mine.

Very well could have been. I’m only getting second hand news.

Have you got a name of the tech? Shot me in PM
Heavy mechanic Joel Tetso, driver Howie Benwel,
The white sharks moving north are alledged be to a result of warmer water , that may have something to do with the climate change that is also not happening.
Hope none swim off the edge of the flat earth .

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The white sharks moving north are alledged be to a result of warmer water , that may have something to do with the climate change that is also not happening.
Hope none swim off the edge of the flat earth .

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
Pretty sure they have been in the northern states for a while now, don’t think it’s something new
It's something newER. In the past it was a rarity. These days its becoming increasingly more common.
That was sort of my understanding, whites had been spotted off New Jersey as a rare sighting. Up in Canadian waters was an even rarer sight. But more often now . I’ve watched enough Australian surf videos to be very scared of giant sharks

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It's something newER. In the past it was a rarity. These days its becoming increasingly more common.

Rare, but not unheard of. Several have been reported in the Hudson River.
  1. 1864, a boy was reportedly attacked by a shark in the Hudson River and had a severe thigh bite.
  2. 1933, a shark was reported to be sighted in the Hudson River off 42nd Street, according to the New York Times.
  3. 2020, during the pandemic James Gabriel spotted a shark in the Hudson River he at first thought was a sturgeon shark. However, upon further observation, it was assumed to be more like a bull shark.
Bull sharks can withstand long periods in fresh water and have been know to travel great distances up rivers.
Remember that tech has gotten better over the years. It's not that long ago when I was watching The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. Sharks might have been there all along or warm currents may change naturally over time. We can't just blindly attribute everything to man made climate change or it ruins science.
The great whites have almost disappeared from the coast of cape Town because a couple of killer whales started eating their livers. Eco systems change all the time, it's not always humans fault.
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