White male supremacist exist?


Well-known member
Just been reading up on feminist conversations they keep blaming all their problems white male supremacist patriarchy.

I'm not white, but a male of a visible minority.

Didn't know you white guys were keeping women down. I assume third world culture and traditions kept women down more than white dudes.

The more I read about feminism wanting equality in social expression the more it seems like inequality. It seems that their point of view is correct and you can't argue it. If you do, it gets twisted around. I can't stand feminist. I believe in equality when it can be applied, but it can't be applied all the time.
I'm a meninist...
Im a white male that looks like i attend kkk meetings(which i dont) with my all my tats and shaved head. I feel the same way about feminists, the ones that are into actual equality call them selves Humanists and those the the intelligent ones.

You can't make any point about male problems to them because of my "white male privilege", so i make a point to avoid them at all cost, especially on dating sites.
You can't make any point about male problems to them because of my "white male privilege", so i make a point to avoid them at all cost, especially on dating sites.

As a white Male and a Feminist you can talk about Male problems all you want patriarchy has negative effects on both genders. White male privilege still exists.
It exists in the driving world. White men are perfect drivers. I've never heard anyone say, "A white man cut me off this morning." Yet every other driver who is not white gets blamed for bad driving.
It exists in the driving world. White men are perfect drivers. I've never heard anyone say, "A white man cut me off this morning." Yet every other driver who is not white gets blamed for bad driving.

This is an example of defaulting.
If anything, feminists are keeping all males, white or or green down. Look at any divorce case, domestic violence, declining number of boys in post secondary schools, child custody, sexual vionece.... en are loosing on all fronts and feminists still blame men for everything. There is a systemic problem here and a monpopoly that the feminist machine is not willing to give up.

p.s im not talking about the first and second wave of feminism which fought for true equality, im taking about the angry radical slut walk organizing feminists that no matter what women get, will nag, cry and scratch and ask for more.

There is a reason men commit suicide 4 times more than women in Canada. Because men have no rights anymore (legally speaking)
So I can assume if no ethnicity is attached to a bad driver, they are white? I just find people delight in pointing out the non-whiteness of drivers who piss them off.

"Some black guy cut me off...must be an immigrant"
It exists in the driving world. White men are perfect drivers. I've never heard anyone say, "A white man cut me off this morning." Yet every other driver who is not white gets blamed for bad driving.

The filtering system is difference in race first, then it goes by car make. "******* mercedes driver!" -- Signed, Mercedes driver.
Yes i agree its tough to be a man and have no rights.

Thanks for being fair.

And i'd also like to reiterate that i don't blame true feminism for this. True feminism stands for true equality and i respect it . I'm talking about the militant radicals who call themselves feminists but in reality, theyre out to get female dominance and have no intereste inequality.
Thanks for being fair.

And i'd also like to reiterate that i don't blame true feminism for this. True feminism stands for true equality and i respect it . I'm talking about the militant radicals who call themselves feminists but in reality, theyre out to get female dominance and have no intereste inequality.

True Feminist TM
As someone who worked in financing and banks. I never once experienced a glass ceiling or that I wasn't going to get a chance because I wasn't white. Right now I work with white people all the time and at no time I don't get business or opportunities because I'm not white.

I don't think it's a toronto problem. It might be in other parts of canada or us.
Doesn't matter what colour you are if you bring something to the table. Look at pro sports.
But unfortunately, we live is an overly PC world where companes sometimes are forced to hire certain candidates to avoid further headahces eventhoigh that might not be the most qualifird candidate.

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