Whitby Accident Victim Identified


Lets keep the arguments about the cops out of this thread


WHITBY -- The woman killed after falling from the back of a motorcycle Friday night on Hwy. 401 in Whitby has been identified as Ioana Bocunescu, of Toronto.
The Province's Special Investigations Unit continues to investigate the woman's death, which occurred when she fell from the back of a speeding motorcycle that was being followed by Durham police at about 11:30 p.m. The driver of the motorcycle sped off; Ms. Bocunescu's body was struck by westbound vehicles on Hwy. 401 near Lakeridge Road.
Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.


the fact that there are 6 SIU investigators involved ( I saw maybe a few of them the next morning on my way to Ottawa), indicates that strong rumors about the Police cruiser chasing and hitting the girl to be of some reliability.

The tragedy is still fresh, I hope everybody considers how much pain and sorrow the girl family and loved ones has, before getting on making opinions about who is at fault, there seems to be very few innocent parties involved here :(
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

Any time someone dies when police are involved requires SIU investigation.. I wouldn't read much into it, though it is a possibility.

I hope they have the rider... and that we get the details of his fate..
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Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

So sad. Hope this leads to the biker very soon if not already.

Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

Some reports have her age as 40. While it's possible the rider was much younger, he may also be around the same age.
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

I have no idea what the earth times is, or how credible, but they state she was 40 years old.

I hope that this means she was not with "some random guy" and that it will make it easier to find the ******* who killed her (the motorbike operator).

edit, cp24 and am640 also say the same age, earth times was just a higher google hit.
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Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

the fact that there are 6 SIU investigators involved ( I saw maybe a few of them the next morning on my way to Ottawa), indicates that strong rumors about the Police cruiser chasing and hitting the girl to be of some reliability.

Huh? This is not an unusual number of investigators for any SIU investigation. I wouldn't be relying on it as any indicator of what the cop did or did not do.
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

That came from a facebook page of someone with that name living in Toronto...
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

How are you so sure it was the rider who killed her?

It is my personal (and humble) opinion that anytime you take a passenger on your motorbike you become personally responsible for their safety and ultimately, their life.

If we disagree on this, any further discussion is pointless.
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

Or how about this:

Someone on GTAM recognizes the girl and knows a biker who is associated with her. He tips off the cops and they make a quick arrest. My scenario is just as plausible. Feel better now?

Give it up, posting the first pic you find is WAY offside. It is even questionable if you know for sure, totally offside if you don't (for the reasons posted and more).

As to your point, how about this: Someone knows the person in the pic but it is not the actual victim. They start calling the cops because they know a rider that knows the wrong person (you posted), tying up police resources... or maybe someone takes justice in their own hands...
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

For once, can we have a thread without anyone arguing or mocking another! This is about the Whitby girl not you guys, so stop putting the spot light on your faces. Thank You! RIP to IONA.
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

For once, can we have a thread without anyone arguing or mocking another! This is about the Whitby girl not you guys, so stop putting the spot light on your faces. Thank You! RIP to IONA.

RIP for the victim yes, can we post without arguing NO.
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

Silly people.

Retro is very very very likely correct that picture is of the individual.

There are NO Bell phone listings for the surname Bocunescu ANYWHERE in Canada.

When the surname Bocunescu is searched on facebook, only TWO hits come back, one for the Toronto female Ioana Bocunescu, and the other is a female in Romania.

Its pretty darn fair to say that the likelyhood that the facebook picture is of the victim.

Unfortunately, the same information points to the fact that she might not have any family here, and her facebook profile only shows 4 friends....
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

It is my personal (and humble) opinion that anytime you take a passenger on your motorbike you become personally responsible for their safety and ultimately, their life.

There is some truth to this statement .Be it a car or bike . If you drive like a idiot and the driver/rider causes the accident injures the passenger .The driver /rider usually gets charged .
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

Cleaned up....infractions and bans...

We're adults...let's discuss like adults..

Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

RIP to the victim.
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