While In Bruce Peninsula

The to Cyprus from 6 is not under the HTA as this is a private road owned by the Park. The best the Wardens could do is a charge for careless or Treaspass to Property Act, that would get you banned from the park, or even better, come face to butt with a deer.
It is under federal jurisdiction as this is not a private but a federal park and you will can be charged with speeding plus possibly dangerous driving (criminal code). http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/regu/crc-c-887/latest/crc-c-887.html
i see you missed the 40kmh speed limit sign. that vidio would do you in court and to do that with a passenger is just insane. just kill your self, if you feel suicidal. thanks for not comming out.
Lol I was surprised the nannies hand't come out.

I don't see where in any of my statements I say this was me, care to quote please? So unless I admit this was me which it won't happen, nothing will happen in court.

I think you missed the part when the passenger said "lets go again" so I believe she exercised her right to chose to go or not go on the bike.

Insane suicidal speeds for you, very manageable comfortable speeds for others

The point of the video was to show some nice roads in Bruce, each person choses to go at whatever speed they desire on it, I have done that road many times at 20km/h while I enjoy the view

No no, thank you for coming out
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And that it's a park road which can see heavy traffic during the summer. It's about as smart as trying to drag a knee at the forks of the credit on a long weekend in the summer.
As you can see in the video the traffic wasn't heavy al all, I am sure he/she doesn't do forks at all as that is a heavy populated and crappy road
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As you can see in the video the traffic wasn't heavy al all, I am sure he/she doesn't do forks at all as that is a heave populated and crappy road

I am sure the wildlife would recognize the fact that he/she is coming down the road and looked both ways before crossing, oh sorry, that was my inner nanny talking....
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