Which club to join for easy rides in Ganaraska?

We can possibly try to meet up at Ganny this year. Who knows, we might still end up going there a lot. haha...
I am getting a membership for next year. I am only an hour away from Scarborough. Will be looking for people to show me around next season.

I've had a couple of people offer me a tour there now since I've been asking around about it. If you're around I can definitely message you closer to the date that it opens for bikes (usually in early May). Maybe we can get a few people out for a easy, beginner ride to the Ganny. We can call it "Granny Shifting Through the Ganny". Perhaps the name could use a bit of work still...
we ride the northumberland forest just off of hwy 45, port hope. Nice place
I've had a couple of people offer me a tour there now since I've been asking around about it. If you're around I can definitely message you closer to the date that it opens for bikes (usually in early May). Maybe we can get a few people out for a easy, beginner ride to the Ganny. We can call it "Granny Shifting Through the Ganny". Perhaps the name could use a bit of work still...

With some technical single track tossed into the mix to make sure you go home good and tired. haha
We can possibly try to meet up at Ganny this year. Who knows, we might still end up going there a lot. haha...
Would be great to meet up Dave.

I've had a couple of people offer me a tour there now since I've been asking around about it. If you're around I can definitely message you closer to the date that it opens for bikes (usually in early May). Maybe we can get a few people out for a easy, beginner ride to the Ganny. We can call it "Granny Shifting Through the Ganny". Perhaps the name could use a bit of work still...

This is a good idea, I like the name you have chosen. I have some experience riding my CB500X in singletrack(slowly), so I am not a total noob anymore.
I also wouldn't mind meeting up with some people to ride the Ganny. I've done Trail Tours once a year for the past 6 years so consider myself lower intermediate. I'll be picking up a bike in the Spring. It will be blue plated, but it currently doesn't have DOT dirt tires on, so I intend to keep street riding to a minimum. I'll be keeping it at the cottage on Lake Scugog, so the Ganny will be fairly close. Not sure exactly when I'll get it, so I won't be able to coordinate rides until closer to the time.
I would also be interested in a Ganaraska ride in the spring, if it happens. I have been planning on trying to join a ride there at some point...
I would also be interested in a Ganaraska ride in the spring, if it happens. I have been planning on trying to join a ride there at some point...

Seems like ganny interest is high all over, so it's safe to say there will be rides, and I'll be posting them here when they do come up in spring. I think there are no bikes allowed until May 1, so we have some time to fix up our rides before then :) Mine is waiting on a back ordered bolt that costs $3...
Seems like ganny interest is high all over, so it's safe to say there will be rides, and I'll be posting them here when they do come up in spring. I think there are no bikes allowed until May 1, so we have some time to fix up our rides before then :) Mine is waiting on a back ordered bolt that costs $3...
Have the annual prices gone up from last year?
Wasn't it $150 last year? I heard it was indeed going up again this year though.
Hmm, they might have gone up in the spring of 2015. My renewal was in Sept 2014, so I probably got most of 2015 at the old rate. Either way, it is still totally worth it.

I did get a letter with the renewal this time around explaining the price increase. I'll have to dig that up to see if its talking about an additional increase in 2016 or if it is still at the 2015 level. Current fees on the site are $150:

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Yeah, I agree. The last few years I've easily covered the cost of my pass. This year I won't get my renewal until July.
I found my renewal notice - the annual membership is going up to $175 for adult motorized use on May 1, 2016. The annual youth motorized fee stays at $60. Day pass stays at $30 ($10 for youth).
Holy crap! I guess I chose the right year to no get the annual pass and possibly get a pass somewhere else, then just do pay-per-day at Ganny.
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