Where to get shims, without getting a kit?


Well-known member
I'm doing my valve adjustment and need the following 7.48mm shims:

4x 2.40mm
2x 2.35mm

Looking online it seems my best option is an entire kit, or ordering from the US (and paying 3x the cost of the shims for shipping).

*update*: eBay to the rescue. Why is so damn hard/expensive to buy things in Canada?!
Ordered from a US seller, 10 shims (2x 5 packs) total: $35CAD
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Ordered from a US seller, 10 shims (2x 5 packs) total: $35CAD

Out of curiousity, can you link what you found? Might be good to know for later
In the USA I know of places that do shim swaps if they're in usable shape or whatever. Never heard of a place here that does it. Always thought that was a good idea as people need all different sizes.
In the USA I know of places that do shim swaps if they're in usable shape or whatever. Never heard of a place here that does it. Always thought that was a good idea as people need all different sizes.
The service department at Cycle World West used to do it! Never knew how good I had it between that and their parts department. On the other hand they didn't want to touch my 1991 Yamaha Radian themselves because it was too old lol (Don't remember the exact year, definitely was before 2008)
Locally it's contingent upon being friendly with a workshop mechanic, or knowing someone who has a bunch of spares.

For the information of anyone who may be looking ... I have shims in stock but as with most home mechanics, not all sizes and not in unlimited quantities. If I have what you need, I'll happily swap them for what you have.
I bet a bike scrap yard would have lots of them if you don't mind fishing through old motors for parts.
Winner's Circle
Canadian distributor for Hot Rods, ProX, R&D Spring, Kibblewhite.

ANY and EVERY bike shop in Ontario can get aftermarket shims or shim kits.
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