Where do you guys buy your Oil?

Canadian Tire. Castrol 10W40 bike oil. Inexpensive and top quality.
Formula 1 from Canadian Tire. About $16 for an oil change. I've used Motul, Repsol & Rotella in the past.
motul 7100... usually buy from pro6 cycle, filter... usually a k&n only because i can get those at cost.
7100 is better for cruisers....300V for sportbikes, double ester FTW

First time I've heard that one, everyone kept telling me I needed to go full synth.

I got mine at GP this year because they had a sale in February where, if you bought a K&N oil filter, you got 4L of Motul Synthetic for $25

What you got was semi-synthetic for that price, excellent oil for street riding. It's great. Switch to 300V if you want to track.

rotella t6 at ct

Probably the BEST out there for the price.
I use semi on street bike in case you need oil while out one day and place doesn't have full with semi you can use regular oil to get you by.
if i'm correct you can't do that with full as you would then need to do full oil change including flushing it clean before as full covers and coats it all and needs to be full to work perfectly.

Just my 2 cents
I have no idea what is good and what is bad. I was told by a guy at CycleWorld to use Motul 7100, so I bought that. I just read that its better for Cruisers from another poster. If money isn't an issue, what is the BEST oil to put in a street-bike, even if it may be excessive?
I have no idea what is good and what is bad. I was told by a guy at CycleWorld to use Motul 7100, so I bought that. I just read that its better for Cruisers from another poster. If money isn't an issue, what is the BEST oil to put in a street-bike, even if it may be excessive?

Just buy the most expensive full synthetic oil you can find. And then ask yourself how all those bikes from 20 and 30 years ago were on the road for hundreds of thousands of kilometers with no problems on old dino oil. I was in the lubrication formulation industry. I actually MADE all this stuff. I am familiar with the level of quality testing of ALL the North American Lubricant companies (sexual lubes excepted). I use regular dino oil in my bike with the proper ratings and change it as per the manual. 99% of what you are told is going to be fantasy thinking that each individual has formulated themselves with zero scientific proof. If you are really interested in finding the best oils then start researching all the tests done by the manufacturers. Ask yourself what makes the best oil for a streetbike and what makes the best for a race bike. So one of them doesn't need good oil? Which one?
Thanks for all the replies everyone!

I think Im gonna go with the Motul semi synthetic

Even though I get the impression that AMSoil full synth is top of the line, i dont think it justifies the price difference

with very regular oil changes, i feel like semi synth, or even regular oil will work just as well
Hmmmm.....full synthetic or semi synthetic.....that is the question (for street riding only)

Semi-synthetic will do wonders and costs significantly less. Perfect for street riding.

I use semi on street bike in case you need oil while out one day and place doesn't have full with semi you can use regular oil to get you by.
if i'm correct you can't do that with full as you would then need to do full oil change including flushing it clean before as full covers and coats it all and needs to be full to work perfectly.

Just my 2 cents

Not too sure if you need to oil change and flush all the time with full synt. You can just top it off. Get 4L jugs, all sold at reasonable prices ar Riders Choice, Pro 6 and FS Motorcycles and you'll only need 1.5-2L of oil per change depending on your bike. The rest can be used for top offs and might even have some left for the next change.

I still agree with using semi on the streets though.

I have no idea what is good and what is bad. I was told by a guy at CycleWorld to use Motul 7100, so I bought that. I just read that its better for Cruisers from another poster. If money isn't an issue, what is the BEST oil to put in a street-bike, even if it may be excessive?

Well, I said that about Motul 7100 because if you were to put synthetic in your bike, you're better off with the double ester 300V. Doesn't meant you can't use 7100. They're both amazing oils. But it's more suited for track and racing where RPMs go high with a crazy amount of clutching and high speeds and engine temps.

For a street bike, anything more than semi-synthetic is excessive but to each their own. Full will last longer a little but will serve you just as good as the semi-synthetic. For me, it would be between 5100 and Rotella T6 (full synth. but sold for much cheaper)....depends on what weight your bike recommends. Mine recommends 10w40, I think that's what most will recommend. Rotella, you'll have to get 5w40 as they don't make 10w40.

Thanks for all the replies everyone!

I think Im gonna go with the Motul semi synthetic

Even though I get the impression that AMSoil full synth is top of the line, i dont think it justifies the price difference

with very regular oil changes, i feel like semi synth, or even regular oil will work just as well

You wont be disappointed. Next oil change, try the Rotella T6 and see which one you like better.
You wont be disappointed. Next oil change, try the Rotella T6 and see which one you like better.

I would like to try rotella t6 because of all the good reviews but two things bother me

I was just in canadian tire looking at it...its a 5w-40....my bike is rated for 10w-40...is it safe to put this stuf in?

also, its a diesel oil? it doesnt specify for motorcycle.....safe?
I would like to try rotella t6 because of all the good reviews but two things bother me

I was just in canadian tire looking at it...its a 5w-40....my bike is rated for 10w-40...is it safe to put this stuf in?

also, its a diesel oil? it doesnt specify for motorcycle.....safe?

Look at the ratings on the back. You're likely looking for JASO MA rating, which means it will work with motorcycle engines that use a wet clutch. I forgot the name of the additive, but it's some zinc-based substance that is usually added to energy conserving oils that would cause the clutch to slip. JASO MA does NOT have this additive, which makes it safe for your bike.

Also, 5w40 instead of 10w40 will likely be fine. This rating specifies the oil's viscosity when the bike is cold versus when it's warm. So technically, 5w40 oil will be less viscous at lower temperatures, making it easier to start your bike. Once running and warm, the viscosity will be the same.

I'm not an oil expert though, so someone else can likely provide a better explanation. But, that's as much as I understand, and it's good enough for me to use in my bike.
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