Where did you ride today? - New rider version

That's cool, you aren't the only one that got wet. I went for a ride with a few friends and we go completed drenched, we're on a rush to get home so we I never got shelter but it was pretty funny.

Got soaked through my underwear and wallet on the way home today. Rain mode worked a charm though!!!!. I love a good warm summer drenching!
Road my GS500F to a Demo Ride at Kahuna Powersports - Test road the 2012 Kawasaki zx6r & 2012 Kawasaki zx1r.
Both bikes handle very well in the corners, the litre bike felt a bit more stable on HWY 400. Still trying to make up my mind if my next ride should be a 600cc or 1000cc bike. (Leaning toward the 1000cc bike)

After the demo rides I was almost home when I received a call that I forgot my drivers license at the dealer. Rode back to pick it up. Warm day for riding. ( traffic was moving)
For two days, I had been only riding to my gym which is 20mins walking distance... I need a good ride!!!
your bikes still have pretty good grip in the rain. given you have proper street tires not track tires. (my gsxr has no grip in the rain, using pirelli diablo supercorsas, which are track grade tires that were already on my bike when i bought it)
i'll be getting rid of my tires soon to have more street suitable tires put on =)

however i did my m2 in 2 days of rain, no problem and rode last year in the rain many times on my ninja 250 w/ stock tires on with no problem, of course you'd have to watch your lean angle, and speed in corners as well as brake early and as upright as possible.
i think this a great idea for a thread, potential sticky material perhaps.
busy today but yesterday woke up with the sun around 530 (ish) and rode dvp from 401ish...(non self-incrimination for m1:rolleyes: ) to gardiner (ish) east into downtown with the buildings exploding in the early morning light!
not much traffic
but the best part was heading up university/ ave rd. from the lake to york mills.

err anyone know if gardiner xpressway/ is a 400 series highway like qew ???
guessing not as per sub 100 kmh limit
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My very first LnL tonight!

I was told that there weren't a lot of bikes there today cuz of the weather, but I was still very impressed by so many bikes and bikers! I felt like a kid in a candy store! New riders definitely should check it out sometime.

We took Bayview down and it was really nice. It's absolutely nothing to experienced riders but I was telling myself: nice twisties! lol! lmao at myself!

By the way, after I passed the "doing 40 feels like flying" phase, I found out that it's really easy to go over the speed limit on local roads. it's just the matter of rolling the throttle... a lot of times i wasn't even doing it on purpose and when i looked down, it was already 80/90... a very dangerous pattern... but nice prep for riding on highway i guess...

Anyways, it was very nice to finally go out there and meet some of the riders from GTAM. I will definitely go back when the weather is nice! lol! wanna see how many bikes that parking lot can accomodate.
Me and a buddy passed by but didnt see anyone we knew. :( Ya a lot of bikes can fit in that lot. Does anyone know why thy have security? The cops were there too. I don't think it's getting too out of hand. No ones stunting or anything like that.
Me and a buddy passed by but didnt see anyone we knew. :( Ya a lot of bikes can fit in that lot. Does anyone know why thy have security? The cops were there too. I don't think it's getting too out of hand. No ones stunting or anything like that.

What time were you there? Did you see a candy green and a red ninja 250s parked together? that was Afelotreyu and me. i didn't notice any police tho except a couple security guards around 7:40ish.
We rolled in kinda late. Orange CBR F4 and a green Kawi 650 around 10:45. There were still quite a few bikes there and the cops. Security was trying to look mean but he wasn't able to pull it off. I feel sorry for the guy. He's just trying to do his job and we just wanna chill out.
We rolled in kinda late. Orange CBR F4 and a green Kawi 650 around 10:45. There were still quite a few bikes there and the cops. Security was trying to look mean but he wasn't able to pull it off. I feel sorry for the guy. He's just trying to do his job and we just wanna chill out.

Hmmm actually we took off around 10:45. too bad that we missed you guys. next time!
never been to a bike gathering and im very uncomfortable (shy) in groups where i dont know anyone or have an anchor. if a group plans to go next thurs night to l&l, um...do people just wander around or do u meet at a certain spot there.
not proud of this, but it is what is.
my shrink is encouraging me to go if that doesnt scare you off :oops:
never been to a bike gathering and im very uncomfortable (shy) in groups where i dont know anyone or have an anchor. if a group plans to go next thurs night to l&l, um...do people just wander around or do u meet at a certain spot there.
not proud of this, but it is what is.
my shrink is encouraging me to go if that doesnt scare you off :oops:

lol! I didn't know anybody there except Afelotreyu. We went together. Met a few GTAM members and talked to a couple other ppl. That was it. I think the first couple times it would feel more comfortable if someone that you know is going with you.
That's a great first step. You just kinda wander around and check out all the cool bikes. At least we all have a topic in common. ;)
Went for a ride to the exhibition with slim he was great he taught me a couple of things and practiced in a parking lot then we went around the exhibition a couple of laps. After slim left i kept riding there for a bit then went fueled up at king street and Spadina went down king all the way to parliament then found my self on lakeshore east all rode there and back to Spadina and bremner started getting really busy around there because of the game so I headed home. Hoping to head out again once it gets a bit quiet out there. But with slim he helped me built a lot of confidence :D
For those that can ride at night, every Tuesday night there is a regular meet at Burrito Boyz in Port Credit. Good food and some socializing (see the post in the rides/hook ups section).

And today I took a ride to the West Don Lands to talk tersely with contractors doing what they shouldn't be. Nice day for a ride even if its for work on a weekend.
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