Where can i find this?!?!

Sooo why do all that instead of just getting "JugIt"

I'm just having a bit of fun with you but if a time and motion study was done the Jugit would probably lose. However I think everyone has a task that just bugs them and they will spend twice as much time doing the job a different way. I am married to an expert in the field and have a few quirks myself.
The good side of quirks is that eventually someone invents a solution to a problem no one even considered a problem. ie pull tabs on cans. Until they came along people accepted that you had to use a can opener.
How about adding an ice milk dispenser for fridges next to the ice water? Don't even have to open the door. (Restaurants have them)
I'm with you Sushii, I want one.
I'm just having a bit of fun with you but if a time and motion study was done the Jugit would probably lose. However I think everyone has a task that just bugs them and they will spend twice as much time doing the job a different way. I am married to an expert in the field and have a few quirks myself.
The good side of quirks is that eventually someone invents a solution to a problem no one even considered a problem. ie pull tabs on cans. Until they came along people accepted that you had to use a can opener.
How about adding an ice milk dispenser for fridges next to the ice water? Don't even have to open the door. (Restaurants have them)
See that in politics all the time
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