Where are you headed in 2015?

I don't know where I am going this year - lots of good ideas posted here, but first thing I have to do is address bike issues - 194,000 k's when I parked the FZ1 in December, so before I go anywhere, it needs to get a through spring tune-up/check up. Valve clearances checked for sure - its due - leaky right fork seal needs to be fixed, due for new brake pads - front and rear, battery is suspect - sigh!!!! Tires at least are good for another season.

Wow! Good for you! Says a lot about Yamaha build quality.
I've always wanted to go to Iroquois Falls. 2015 will be the year. Also want to see Arden. Probably hit it on the way home.
Any particular reason for Iroquois Falls?

Last Sunday on the way home from PA I heard a CBC piece on the radio about the paper mill closure and how it's affecting the town. They got in to the town history, interviewed locals and discussed possible economic stimuli among other things. This was the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak, because many years ago I read in the newspaper about a big Vietnamese grow-op bust there but that wasn't quite enough to warrant the journey. Also I need a reason to ride 144 on a motorcycle. I did that road in a car once to see Shania Twain's birthplace.
Probably nowhere major on the bike. Just not enough vacation time to take some more local trips when the gf loves travelling so much but hates bikes. Here's what's on my "to do" list sometime in the next couple of years.

Drive to Dawson City for Dawson City Music Fest
Return to S. Korea
Return to Poland

Did Hawaii and Vegas over the last 6 months or so and a bunch of places up north for work (Kugaaruk, Lutselke, Wrigley) and Ottawa near the end of last season on the 125 (but that's not very exotic).
It's not a place that gets mentioned a lot, and I've wanted to visit for a long time as it's where my Mom and her sisters grew up. Maybe this year.
So I just got conditionally approved for the nexus thing. If I go to Niagara Falls I can do the interview part in Feb. If I wanted to go to pearson it's freakin May! Holy crap. Bigger city, more people. More workers. Longer wait time. Makes total sense.
So I just got conditionally approved for the nexus thing. If I go to Niagara Falls I can do the interview part in Feb. If I wanted to go to pearson it's freakin May! Holy crap. Bigger city, more people. More workers. Longer wait time. Makes total sense.
Things take so long at Pearson that if your security pass, as an employee of the airport, is expiring it takes 6 months to process the renewal.
So I just got conditionally approved for the nexus thing. If I go to Niagara Falls I can do the interview part in Feb. If I wanted to go to pearson it's freakin May! Holy crap. Bigger city, more people. More workers. Longer wait time. Makes total sense.

Yeah. I think my Pearson interview was weeks out, but it nicely pointed out that I could get an interview at the Niagara Falls office the next day. They even took me before my appointment in NF, ended up finishing before my official interview was scheduled to start.
- Fredericton NB
- PA (rode down last year so we're going to trailer down this time)
- Cabot Trail (not sure if I'll take the bike this time)
- Jamaica (there for a wedding so likely we'll be too drunk the entire week to rent bikes but i'm going with a few fellow bikers)
- As much track time as possible

Plenty of overnighters and weekend trips as well of course.
2015 is shaping up nicely.

Alexandria Bay, NY for for the Thousand Islands River Run.
Watkins Glen for the Finger Lakes Wine Festival (bikes will be parked).
Georgian Bay Light house tour - Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally.
Pelee Island Winery, (bikes parked), staying on the mainland.
Algonquin Park, Highlands and Ottawa Valley.

There you have it, but I will be training a noob along the way (wife got her first bike)!
Appalachians & Smokies. Rode BRP for 100 miles in the area over Craggy forest pass a 1/2 decade ago, can't wait to return. Looking for nice quiet campgrounds in the area for early this summer, any suggestions? I'm a casual, experienced, older rider, fair weather only & will trailer down and ride limited portions of the area with my young Son 2 up. Anyone else ride with their kids?
Yeah. I think my Pearson interview was weeks out, but it nicely pointed out that I could get an interview at the Niagara Falls office the next day. They even took me before my appointment in NF, ended up finishing before my official interview was scheduled to start.

For what it's worth I applied online jan 26. I just went for my interview at pearson today and the card will be mailed to me within 10 days they said. If you can get a time slot soon enough the whole process is a breeze :thumbup:
Appalachians & Smokies. Rode BRP for 100 miles in the area over Craggy forest pass a 1/2 decade ago, can't wait to return. Looking for nice quiet campgrounds in the area for early this summer, any suggestions?

For the Smokies, I recommend Townsend KOA.


One of the best camping experiences I had. Tubing river is flowing through the campground, nice roads in the area, including the Dragon, Pidgeon Forge tourist traps, Gatlinburg and Cades Cove - a very interesting historic site. It is also relatively close to the Blue Ridge Pkwy.
With the the Cdn $ trading below 79 this morning shipping the bike out to BC and spending some quality time exploring the coast and the interior seems to be a timely option this summer

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This meteor impact site always caught my attention


Road going to it is actually pretty good, so I am headed there probably early in the season. I love colder early season runs. They have an extra layer of adventure feel.
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