When is it aceptable to start riding again

I just got my first bike and wanted know when is acceptable to art riding again LLOL also is there any 'ride of the century" type of meets

Lol, you haven't even ridden yet and you're talking about ROTC rides. I have a feeling this summer I'll be reading about your "friend" in the legal section.

Anyway, start riding when you're not cold anymore and when you won't run over ice.
I have lost count of how many times people have over hipped rides in GTAM and when you go on them they are disappointing, I am not saying this one is as I have not attended one yet but I have heard the same thing over and over again.

Now there was this Ride to PA at the end of last year, those were some hooligan times, Very few will know what I am talking about fortunately :)

You haven't been on my rides but you've heard over and over again how disappointing they are? Sonny, is that you??! haha! If your standards are truly so high, I'd say that you should come out for a ride with us, I'm sure Warp Tiger could take the time to show you around seeing how I never seem to be able to find the time to host the new guys and personally show them around........I'm sure that GSXR750 of yours will have it's hands full with warped tigger's FZ6.
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You haven't been on my rides but you've heard over and over again how disappointing they are? Sonny, is that you??! haha! If your standards are truly so high, I'd say that you should come out for a ride with us, I'm sure Warp Tiger could take the time to show you around seeing how I never seem to be able to find the time to host the new guys and personally show them around........I'm sure that GSXR750 of yours will have it's hands full with warped tigger's FZ6.

Well looky looky,the almighty assassin having graced us with his presence and coming out swinging for the fences LOL Sorry Brian no more Sonnythebull we need someone to take over that role, you got any panheads lambos or tesla in the garage? LMAO

Hows your new mule ready for it's dose of punishment to be administered, poor thing and I heard there is a helium shortage will it affect you?
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im sure he assassin rides will be one of the first rides to be posted on gtam. if everyone stays on the road, its acceptable to ride from then on.
Well looky looky,the almighty assassin having graced us with his presence and coming out swinging for the fences LOL Sorry Brian no more Sonnythebull we need someone to take over that role, you got any panheads lambos or tesla in the garage? LMAO

Hows your new mule ready for it's dose of punishment to be administered, poor thing and I heard there is a helium shortage will it affect you?

Oh no, no more Sonny? Who's gonna promote my rides now? They were elevated to the stuff of legend by him! - mythical and biblical proportions! Haha!
Bandits new avatar looks just like him, complete with the big bag of money! It'll be great to see you guys, can't wait.....hopefully it'll be an early spring. New bike taking shape, looks exactly like the old one except for the yosh.
You haven't been on my rides but you've heard over and over again how disappointing they are? Sonny, is that you??! haha! If your standards are truly so high, I'd say that you should come out for a ride with us, I'm sure Warp Tiger could take the time to show you around seeing how I never seem to be able to find the time to host the new guys and personally show them around........I'm sure that GSXR750 of yours will have it's hands full with warped tigger's FZ6.
Dude, show me where I said YOUR ride was disappointing?

I even said I have never been in one of your rides, when i said I kept hearing over and over again I was referring to other rides, you need to chill with your insecurities.

Contrary to you, I really got no need to show anyone or prove anyone anything in regards to street riding - You failed in comprehension when you read my post.

You don't know who i am and have never ridden with me so let's just file this conversation as a misunderstanding and leave it that!

Warp Tiger could take the time to show you around seeing how I never seem to be able to find the time to host the new guys and personally show them around
this is funny, yea please show me around, I need it being new and all .. lol you funny kid - What's next, you going to challenge me to a duel on Snake road or 507 or whatever other gay road you guys may take!
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Internet drama. Pass me the popcorn, and a beer! Know what sucks? Working until 3am.... but what's good is I work from home and worked on the bike today. I also shoveled 2 feet of snow out of my driveway.
You haven't been on my rides but you've heard over and over again how disappointing they are? Sonny, is that you??! haha! If your standards are truly so high, I'd say that you should come out for a ride with us, I'm sure Warp Tiger could take the time to show you around seeing how I never seem to be able to find the time to host the new guys and personally show them around........I'm sure that GSXR750 of yours will have it's hands full with warped tigger's FZ6.
Im going to say , Ive been on rides with both of you, and zx would leave you behind. but he really enjoys the company of men so he would wait up for you.
Im going to say , Ive been on rides with both of you, and zx would leave you behind. but he really enjoys the company of men so he would wait up for you.

So there is some one faster .......WOW I never would've thunk it....LMAO.
Warpster time to hit the tread mill hard.........
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The kid (OP) wants to learn and get out on his new toy, stop being such D bags playing the "I'm a better rider then you" game.

Go out when it warms up a bit and all salt, brine, sand and snow are off the roads. Learning would be appropriate it's warm and dry weather. Need a helping hand? Private message me and I can come help you out. I'm 23, been riding moto X since I left the womb and been on the street for a few years now. We can go over the basics, don't let these losers scare you away from GTAM. Only half of them aren't overweight, elderly and can actually ride lol.
When there's minimal salt and gravel and it stays above 5*C with the windchill
The kid (OP) wants to learn and get out on his new toy, stop being such D bags playing the "I'm a better rider then you" game.

Go out when it warms up a bit and all salt, brine, sand and snow are off the roads. Learning would be appropriate it's warm and dry weather. Need a helping hand? Private message me and I can come help you out. I'm 23, been riding moto X since I left the womb and been on the street for a few years now. We can go over the basics, don't let these losers scare you away from GTAM. Only half of them aren't overweight, elderly and can actually ride lol.

OOOh we got ourselves a self appointed interwebz hero who came out of the womb riding an MX (man that must've hurt your mommy) and has been riding a few years. What do you know of the history between the so called D-bags and losers as you referred to? Then you have the audacity to comment "half are elderly,overweight and can't actually ride", maybe we can see your super skills come spring and for the record ELDERLY equates to EXPERIENCED. Buddy Most of us are more than willing to teach a new rider the ropes but with threads like these asking this type of question how can one even expect serious answers.
But hey this is to be expected when one of your 4 friends is Toysareforboys LOL

BTW to answer op's question begin riding when YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE not random strangers with temps,road conditions,and your ability ride
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Hey matthew, I would like to invitr you to come for a ride up north with 4 of us. You can post anything you want after that.

Sent from my SGH-T989D using Tapatalk
So there is some one faster .......WOW I never would've thunk it....LMAO.
Warpster time to hit the tread mill hard.........

i gave up all hope when i couldn't close the gap on wyckoff road. that goldschlager musa had something to give u the edge.
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