Wheelied the ninja last night.


Well-known member
So for ***** and giggles on the 250r, i feathered the clutch while doing 8k rpm till the bike rolled enough that i could stay on the pegs, as slow as possible, then i popped the clutch and hit a decent height. bike came down hard on the front.

The lean angle scared me so i let off the throttle. my question is where can i find some good info on how to properly wheelie and hold it that isn't forum based. I.e. a good video, written tutorial article etc.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=qncPBZ9DRRk There a ton of youtube videos and articles out there. Baby steps is the key and practice. You can watch all the videos and read all the articles you want, but until you try it, and continue to try it won't matter. BTW the video link I gave, you can ignore the power wheelie tips....don't think it will apply to your bike : )

Have fun, gear up, and don't practice this sh*t on public roads. Your bike is quite enough that you could do this in just about any parking lot(EMPTY) without annoying anyone with noise.
That's what I was looking for, thanks. Yeah was in a parking lot close to home, not trying to get a stunt driving charge... started messing around and managed to do it. I figured some pointers and guidance would help.

As for quiet, i've got an obnoxiously loud yoshi on it...LOL i'll roll the dice.
So had a good weekend of messing around doing wheelies and *12ing* (EDIT to looping). it. The last 2 runs i got a buddy to take some pics (will post soon). last run gave a bit to much gas and dumped it. No real damage, just a little rash on the bar end and the exhaust bracket. F*cked my knees right up.
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Don`t wear gloves... you`ll be able to FEEL the controls better, and make sure you put your gxxer in liter bike mode
Gloves jeans and vest, shoulda worn knee and elbow pads.
The douche vest gives me uber 1337 stunting powers.
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I wheelie my 250 the other day cuz I was carrying my bud as a 2up, it was from 1st to 2nd gear ... kinda fun

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dont let people around here discourage you... guess they never had to learn... you are far above most people that start learning. you got it to 12 and crashed... you got that over with and it shows some balls...most people are stuck getting it a foot off the ground for a long while...and cry when their bike gets a scratch..keep doing what your doing.... just practice keeping your rear brake covered..should become reflex with no thought involved..feel free to ask any questions..i will do my best to answer
Cool, thanks. I got it to 12 on that run, feet hit the ground, but i landed it. The next run was when i gave it to much gas and the bike went out from under me slightly leaning to the right when i was upright and i fell straight down, the bike landed on the side.
sorry op...had to do it
Wheelies on a stock ninja aren't very noob friendly. If you want to learn stunting, learn on something that doesn't require you go all out on the bike just to get the wheel off of ground. If you must learn on the ninja, change your sprockets and at the minimum, have frame sliders.

Once you've got the wheel off of the ground, throttle control is the key to maintaining your wheelie.
I'm saving for an mba, so keeping costs down, i need my bike to be good all around, commuting most important. so changing the sprocket isn't going to be good for my highway jaunts, and buying a new bike i'm looking at 5gs so...ill have to go to a pro stunt school on kijiji to learn.
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mbas are overrated.

get a designation, that's more useful and practical and a lot cheaper...money saved can go into getting a better bike for stunting.
changing the sprocket isn't going to be good for my highway jaunts

Changing a front sprocket is really easy on most bikes, so it doesn't have to be a permanent replacement. Us MX guys sometimes do it to suit a particular track on any given day. It's a good suggestion to make your learning curve a little smaller!
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