What's your hurry?


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Does somebody slow in front of you drive you nuts?
Why are you always in a rush?
How slow is slow?

I'm a pretty slow driver but i do at least the speed limit.. usually 5-10 over.
not so much in a rush, but if everyone is doing 100 and you're doing 79..... yeah....not cool.
Someone who does less than the speed limit drives me nuts.

It doesn't matter if I'm in a hurry or not. They're just annoying.
Does somebody slow in front of you drive you nuts?
Why are you always in a rush?

Left lane is for moving, right lane is for driving miss daisy.
Walk left, stand right.

Believe it or not, people are in a hurry.
In a hurry for various reasons.
Whats your hurry? The better question is why are you NOT in hurry? :)

Places to go, people to do. MOVE!!!!! Get out the way!!! :)
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Someone who does less than the speed limit drives me nuts.

It doesn't matter if I'm in a hurry or not. They're just annoying.

+1....I don't understand this either. How or why are they not moving at the speed limit? While this kind of stuff may fly out in the sticks, in a packed suburb like Scarborough if you can't hack it, get the hell off the road.
I have contemplated this from time to time..I do tend to drive more quickly than average and it's immensely irritating to me when people insist on doing 105kmh in the left lane.. A few thoughts..why do some people feel the need to tail-gate the person in front of them to get them to move over..only for them to immediately drop their speed to something below what someone else would like to do and then not move over for them?? If you're going, go. Don't be all bad-*** speed guy and then pussy out when the coast is clear. It would appear to be an ego-thing..I have to show you I'm faster than you..competition..beat the guy in front.

On the other hand, if you're of the opinion it's not a race, why don't you just sit in the right lane and do 80? Nobody cares..just get in the line with all trucks doing 95 or whatever. We won't miss you.. Another thought..it's a lot less stressful to just take it easy and not worry about passing people..it's almost enjoyable.

Bottom line, some people do like to drive more quickly than the speed limit. Everyone should be courteous..get out of the left lane if you're not passing..don't be a ****** and try to "pay-back" everyone who wrongs you. And stop trying to jam your car in front of mine when there's only 5m of space!!! Gawd..
Truth is.. you don't really get there faster. Maybe by 30 seconds.

That depends..on the way to my cottage, you're talking 2 hours at a good speed..2.5 hours if you're stuck all the way up hwy 11 with people doing 95kmh in the left lane.. It CAN make a difference, but yeah, I concede your point, not that much most of the time. It's really hard to make up a lot of time on the highway..you have to be going much faster than traffic to make much of a difference within the city..you know, 30min drive.
Does somebody slow in front of you drive you nuts?
Why are you always in a rush?


It's not that I'm in a rush, I'm actually a bit of a stickler about keeping it to 15 over but someone who's doing the limit on a clear open road just makes me go... why? I can only conclude that they're incompetent drivers/stupid humans so I try to get around them as soon as I can.
Truth is.. you don't really get there faster. Maybe by 30 seconds.

30 seconds of awesomeness i might have missed out on.

lol I don't really care as long as someone doesn't pass me and then drive slow once they are in front. If i catch up to a slow driver that is the speed they are comfy in, I am not the person to force then to go faster. I wait until i can pass, or just join in on the slow train. We all like to just cruise now and then.
I can live with it in moderate to heavy traffic on the highway, but on a back road with the twisty section a few kms a way I'll make the pass as soon as it's clear.
If you're in the left lane doing a speed you are comfortable with that is fine. I will not try to make you go faster than what your are capable of handling your vehicle at. That's not my job.

By the same token if I come up behind you at a speed I am comfortable driving my vehicle at, which obviuosly is faster than yours, get the **** out of my way. Doesn't matter if I'm in a hurry or not. It's not your place to tell me how I should drive either.

And to say you didn't know you were blocking traffic is just an excuse for your incompetence. You have mirrors on your vehicle use them, and more often than once every ten miles.
What's even worse is when some idiot rushes a right turn in front of me and then proceeds to go 10 below the limit, forcing me to slam on my brakes.

If you're in a rush DRIVE ****ING FASTER!!!!!!!!!!
I just love it when ppl cut in front of me but goes much slower.
Another great one is when they could merge safely in the back of me, but yet chooses to merge ahead of me!!

I get so warm and fuzzy inside

i've noticed a lot of old people drive below the limit. what are ya gonna do? nothing.

imagine they're already unnerved, so let's cut our fellow peeps some slack and avoid the unnecessary tailgating.
I hate hate hate! when people in the left lane dont move but clearly see you just to make a point. i will tailgate and honk and highbeam all i want. and give them the finger. they have no right to restrict me from getting where i need to be faster. if i had a serious family emergency who are you to stop me?

please dont be a hero and get the **** out of the way, the road is not yours. If you want to be "mr.street safety" go become a cop.

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