What's going on with Danmoto?


Well-known member
I've been on the look-out for an economical 2into1 for my sportster. Danmoto's highwayman looked apealing and $1000 less then V&H or Two Bros.

Early pandemic they had the full exhausts for sale at 50% off on ebay for about $100. By the time I pulled the trigger they were sold out. A couple weeks later I noticed a highmount black 2-1 pipe being the only thing listed for a sportster on their website and for only $125 so I pulled the trigger. It said that there were no other exhausts available for my year and nothing available for earlier bikes. I figured that this was due to the huge sale that they had.

I now have the pipe. I emailed them because they have no phone # and the support bracket needs about a 2" spacer as well as it is not rubber mounted even though the engine is. no answer. I don't see any actual products listed on their website anymore. Other online vendours are all showing no stock on any products.

I'm wondering if Danmoto is closing up?
Hmmm. They were on my radar for my CB919 but I went with Delkevic instead. I do agree that something seems odd
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