@mbroyda, your picture looked great but disappeared??
More pictures! I recently went with steak and it's been about six months since my last one. These are premium butcher angus ribeye steaks sourced and custom cut from my favorite butcher, they are angus ribeye cut from the front end, ~ 1.5 inches thick, ~ 20 oz and 23 oz. Amazing steaks, check out the marbling
My favorite prep seasoning is a bit of quality Chinese soy sauce (not the dark stuff) and Montreal steak spice.
Grilled on the Weber Summit! The steaks were seared extra strong and long. The result was great and amazing texture though at the expense of the loss of some tenderness and the meat being finished medium rather than medium rare. I do like this style for a change from time to time.
Here's a picture showing the cross section of a leftover steak cold from the fridge

. It shows all the goodness, from the strong sear to the marbling and notable pink color.
I served the steaks with fresh sliced garden cucumbers (with salt and pepper) plus fresh toasted garlic bread (with fresh basil).
Fresh garden sliced cucumber with fresh 4 peppercorn grind and salt.
The fresh home garden produce is still going strong. I'm eating lots of vegetables every day. Here are a few salads I've enjoyed with vegetables from fresh the garden. This salad has three types of Chinese greens, leek onions/stalk, two types of cherry tomatoes and cucumbers fresh from the garden, plus 4 peppercorn grind, salt, powder grana padano cheese, premium olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
This salad has two types of Chinese greens, lightly sauteed leek onions/stalk and sun sugar cherry tomatoes fresh from the garden, plus peas, pepperocinis, 4 peppercorn grind, salt, hand grated fresh grana padano cheese and an Asian sesame vinaigrette.
Salted butter french bread and toasted scratch garlic french bread. And a watermelon I've been enjoying.
Cheers and have a great weekend.