so a decent chef's knife is a must-have for us home culinary artists
I've had a bunch over the years
and used some decent cutlery when I did it for a living
if anyone is looking for a decent chef's knife without spending a bunch of dough
I found one a year ago at WallyWorld of all places
German stainless blade, nicely balanced
steel carries right through the handle and is triple rivited- good safety feature
been using this knife now for over a year - pic will show you that I keep it sharp on the whetstone
and it still is doing very well in the kitchen, although I figured it would be disposable
it's WallyWorld branded with the Home Trends logo
don't know how they sell it for only $15 ??
That doesn’t look bad for $15. There’s a Victorinox one that’s popular on red flag deals when on sale so I got one last time, it was about $40 I think and it’s a game changer. Only issue is a small slip with this thing could mean a small amputation. I got a butchers steel with it and it’s dangerously sharp.