Instant pots #6 in CTC for $99. this week.
Not my cooking, but enjoyed another great meal from Mempis BBQ on Islington
Man I love this place.
sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
I wanted to feel like a pioneer so I made bannock, basically a giant pancake. Flour, water, baking powder and butter fried in a pan. Not much in the flavour department as expected but it makes me feel Canadian.
Has anyone else have flavours that remind them of their upbringings?
Living on a farm in Manitoba we would, after harvest, burn the dried plant stalks. Some potatoes were usually found as well and they went into the fire to be baked. When they were done it was hard to tell them from a clump of dirt but they had an unusual taste. I'm not sure if I liked them but they're part of my mental catalog of flavours.
Roasted baby brussel sprouts with olive oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Excellent.
Another new cook. Instant pot lasagna! It included ricotta, queso quesadilla, mozarella, cheddar and monterey jack cheeses, plus the custom coarse grind beef and pork I get. So easy and very tasty. Awesome :agave:.
Click on the picture and zoom. This was the first time I've ever made lasagna. Using an Instant pot it is very easy and much faster. Highly recommended.
Yorkshire pudding. Also one of my all time favourite sandwiches when I was at Uni in the UK was a roast pork sandwich with crackling, apple sauce and stuffing inside a fresh roll that had been split in half and wiped over the roast pork joint to coat the insides with a bit of pork fat. My other favourite sandwich was from France with spit roast lamb carved, chopped and fried crispy inside a baguette with some veggies, harissa (North African hot sauce) and then stuffed with French fries. Pretty sure it's not health food.....but it was freaking delicious.
Yes, it's obviously as easy to prepare lasagna in a casserole dish as an Instant pot (I went back and clarified my earlier post). But the lasagna cooks in less than half the time in an Instant pot. And what makes you think you can't brown the top a little? (I did that, which is why the picture looks so good ).Its pretty easy in a casserole dish as long as you can cook a decent white/cheese sauce and tomato sauce with the added bonus that you can brown the top a little if you like.