I went out for a quick boot last night and it was glorious. The sound, the wind, the feeling...can't be beat.
But...the idiots are out in large quantities and more often than before. I'll give it a month or so once it warms up. To me, there's no point in keeping the bike if I ride 3-5x/year, just a waste of money.
So to answer the question...no effing clue, but I'm leaning toward getting rid of the bike, potentially replacing it with something more suitable for longer distances.
But I'd be lying if I wasn't day dreaming of cruising, or doing a loop around Lake Ontario as
@guzzirider posted late last year.
First warm week of this year, and I'll do my annual ride to Fort Erie and back up along the escarpment along to NOTL. Then I'll decide.
EDIT: Here you are minding your own business....and BAM!