What Podcasts are you listening to?

We should start a GTAM motorcycle podcast…

Yeah. First 10 minutes of each podcast:

"We can't hear you. You're on mute.... still on mute... nope..."
"How do I turn this thing on?"
"Hold on, lemme get my grandson to help me out"
"Podcasts are like wearing masks and 5G. It's a huge government conspiracy to rob you of your privacy. If you disagree with me, you hate the truth. PodCastTards!"
"I don't get all this social media stuff. Everything new sucks. I'm outta here. Gonna go back to the forum"
I'm a CBC radio addict so I listen to allot of the podcasts as well to catch up. They have some good true crime investigations that brought me to the podcasts to hear the ending. Also Ontario Today can be entertaining, especially when the topic is political (People from all over Ontario call in to discuss/debate the day's topic). Also Q gets some really great interviews with musicians, actors, etc. Cross Canada Check-up is another good call-in show for Canadians to voice their opinions.
Just spent 30 hours in the truck. Podcasts made that time go by in the blink of an eye.

Some good ones:

The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling

If you haven't heard, the author of Harry Potter has been under fire the past few years for being anti-transgender. The truth of it is actually a little bit more nuanced, and the controversy is mired in freedom of speech, protection of women's safety and rights, and the very hot-button of cancel culture.

In university, I was involved with a group called the Electronic Frontier Foundation which argued for freedom of speech: "I don't agree with what you're saying, but I'll defend your right to say it". Back then, it was defending the rights of neo-Nazis and far-right extremist groups.

With the advent of twitter mobs and cancel culture, this has become important once again. This time around, we're now defending the right for open discussions within the fractures and divisions inside the far left. Interesting, how freedom of speech issues transcend the political spectrum, no matter how much one side tries to claim the moral high ground.

The kicker for this podcast, is that the host is actually a former member of the Westboro Baptist Church, the religious hate group which picketed against gays, Jews, etc at gatherings like funerals. She argues that open forum and discussion is actually what helped extricate her from the church. Very powerful messaging.

True Crime Podcasts

Over the winter, we started watching a TV show called "Only Murders in the Building", a comedy starring Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez (I know, right?). It's set within the sub-culture of people obsessed with True Crime Podcasts, amidst the intersection of amateur sleuthing and online communities like Reddit.

We loved the show, but never listened to a True Crime podcast before. The TV show borrows heavily from the first, and most popular TCP called Serial, which re-opened the case of the murder of a high-school student by her jilted boyfriend in the suburbs of Baltimore, MD. The podcast has been downloaded millions of times, and although we're very late to the party (it debuted in 2014), there have been a number of developments in the case within the last 3-4 weeks which gave us a very timely entry to the podcast because of the very recent updates.

If you've never listened to a TCP before, this is a very good one to sink your teeth into. Warning: after you finish the podcast, you *will* be drawn into the TCP online communities to share, discuss and argue with other people who are as obsessed as you with the case!

The Civil War (1861-1865) A History Podcast by Richard & Tracy Youngdahl on Spotify

It's also on Apple, iheart, podcast.app, player.fm, facebook, patreon, etc.
Not for the feint of heart.
There are currently 412 episodes up until April 24th this year. They're currently on Chickamauga part 22.
The first episode was published in November 2012.
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From recent podcasts - B-Team, about Fusion Reaction and Black Holes were excellent.

P.S. oh, and few back John Danaher and Roger Gracie podcasts are a must for those who spend any time on the mat.

Also listened to this 3-hour Lex Fridman one with Manolis Kellis about the Evolution of Human Civilization and Super-Intelligent AI.

Super-dense and highly insightful talk. Had to pause a few times to digest what the guest, Manolis, was saying. Towards the end, he gets a bit too optimistic about AI and Lex was trying to explain to him the potential abuses of the technology, but was unable to draw him in. That's the only criticism, the rest was amazing.
- Front End Chatter: motorcycle podcast with one current journo (Simon Hargreaves, who you may have seen on various Bennetts YouTube stuff) and one ex-journo (Martin Fitz-Gibbons). Typical episode covers recent racing action, then unfiltered takes on recent launches, then answering listener emails. Generally entertaining with lots of good info.

Listened to a couple episodes of Revzilla's Highside Lowside:

A bit too high-level, especially if the listener is steeped into a subject and is as knowledgeable or even more so than the hosts and guests. Have yet to find a motorcycle podcast that is aimed at a level deeper than the casual enthusiast, without getting into the technical aspects of how motorcycles work and how they are developed.
Listened to a couple episodes of Revzilla's Highside Lowside:

A bit too high-level, especially if the listener is steeped into a subject and is as knowledgeable or even more so than the hosts and guests. Have yet to find a motorcycle podcast that is aimed at a level deeper than the casual enthusiast, without getting into the technical aspects of how motorcycles work and how they are developed.

I need to listen to this one. Do they invite guests regularly? @Lightcycle Get in touch with them and with your adv history you might become a next guest and make us proud :)
Also listened to this 3-hour Lex Fridman one with Manolis Kellis about the Evolution of Human Civilization and Super-Intelligent AI.

Super-dense and highly insightful talk. Had to pause a few times to digest what the guest, Manolis, was saying. Towards the end, he gets a bit too optimistic about AI and Lex was trying to explain to him the potential abuses of the technology, but was unable to draw him in. That's the only criticism, the rest was amazing.
Yeap, Lex is good, sometimes I can't stand his overly self deprecating humour sometimes but I'll allow it for the guest he brings and obviously a smart guy too.

Another one I like a lot is Sam Harris, I used to think he was a bit of himself but his attitude and outlooks easily resembles my viewpoint (I'm also full of myself).

And some others in no order or relevance.
The Michael Shermer Podcast/ Sean Carroll's Mindscape / Philosophize this
I need to listen to this one. Do they invite guests regularly? @Lightcycle Get in touch with them and with your adv history you might become a next guest and make us proud :)

Back in the day, we were on an old podcast/internet radio show called Sidestand Up - they were interviewing us as RTW motorcycle riders. It was fun, but I'd rather listen than participate.

These days, the new generation of RTW riders have gotten so much more sophisticated than just pictures and write-up on a blog. They have YouTube channels with semi-professional editors churning out footage created by drone technology, 360 cameras, etc. with music scores, voice-over narration, fancy computer-generated animations, cut-scenes, maps, etc.

With the revenue from YouTube and Patreon, it's a huge business and a full-time job behind the scenes.

The stuff we put out is below amateurish and not at all interesting to the current iteration of adventure travel consumers.

ALTHOUGH, having said that, this new breed of content generators are now under fire from The Algorithm. There have been grumblings from them that YouTube has cut their exposure in favour of 10-15 second Tik-Tok-style video clips, for the race to the bottom for the ever-growing (shrinking?) Attention-Deficient audience. So the old 15-30 minute documentary format is now going the way of... well, blogs and forums...

Video may have killed the Radio Star, but their status on the top may just be as short-lived. That's the danger of relying on the platform provider like YouTube for eyeballs. They can just as easily take it away.
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Listened to a couple episodes of Revzilla's Highside Lowside:

A bit too high-level, especially if the listener is steeped into a subject and is as knowledgeable or even more so than the hosts and guests. Have yet to find a motorcycle podcast that is aimed at a level deeper than the casual enthusiast, without getting into the technical aspects of how motorcycles work and how they are developed.

I can't get into the Revzilla stuff, including Highside/Lowside. While I like Zach and Ari, it all feels a bit like an updated version of the old Motorcyclist and Cycle World magazines: very cheerleady for the industry, and all a bit too sunshiny and positive for my taste.

Front End Chatter is more like the old British magazines: cynical, a bit downbeat, very focused on consumer advice. It's definitely drier, but spends a lot of time on listener emails, which can get quite technical depending on the subject. It can occasionally get a bit too 'Inside Baseball' (a recent episode with an interview about the future of the British motorcycling industry relating to some of the goals to eliminate ICE bikes was in-depth but dull), but it's otherwise enjoyable. My main beef is the length, with episodes exceeding two hours regularly.
I entered the podcasts and audiobooks space inadvertently - in a bid to learn, to assist in an interview that I was preparing for.

The interview didn’t convert (which was a blessing in disguise since the organization laid off thousands a few months later) but the habit stuck. I began to enjoy it, especially since it was contributing to my knowledge base and role.

I listen to Product Management content like Lenny’s Podcasts, Infinite loop, product thinking etc.
I'm a CBC radio addict so I listen to allot of the podcasts as well to catch up. They have some good true crime investigations that brought me to the podcasts to hear the ending. Also Ontario Today can be entertaining, especially when the topic is political (People from all over Ontario call in to discuss/debate the day's topic). Also Q gets some really great interviews with musicians, actors, etc. Cross Canada Check-up is another good call-in show for Canadians to voice their opinions.
Are you a fan of Terry O'Reilly and Under the Influence?
Are you a fan of Terry O'Reilly and Under the Influence?
I usually catch that one on my Thursday lunch hour on the radio. No need to pod cast. It's extremely interesting even for someone like me not into business/marketing.
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