What mistakes am I going to make?


Well-known member
Okay. As a new rider, what mistakes am I going to make? Seems like there are a lot of opinions out there about classic newbie mistakes. What are some of the most typical mistakes and how can new riders avoid them?

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shifting into neutral maybe and dropping bike.

There is other **** lots of people stop focusing on after finishing driver safety course like checking blind spots, signaling and street manners but I'd expect better than that from a GTAM member.
you might forget to bring tactical skittles. that would be a classic noobie mistake.

On the other hand, the classics are kinda, looking down too much (don't look at your bike, look off in the distance to see what's comming up), fixating on things, dropping the bike, etc. the training courses tend to do pretty good with helping you on these.
you might forget to bring tactical skittles. that would be a classic noobie mistake.

On the other hand, the classics are kinda, looking down too much (don't look at your bike, look off in the distance to see what's comming up), fixating on things, dropping the bike, etc. the training courses tend to do pretty good with helping you on these.

This actually reminds me of a question I once forgot to ask.. How many people on here actually keep a bludgeoning object in your seat storage?
- Make sure kick stand is down before you get off the bike
- Don't fixate as you'll steer right into that thing
- Watch your corner entry speeds
- Watch out for sand, gravel, etc through the corner
- Watch your braking, especially when leaning over
- Watch out for left hand turners
Steer with your body weight not just your handlebars, don't completely let off the throttle when you're making a turn, gear down as your coming to a stop instead of stopping then downshifting a bunch of gears because if you get nervous you're going to select wrong gear and stall. Most gears are set up for 1-N-2-3-4-5-(6) so you shouldn't have too much of an issue but when you're still learning the ropes nerves can get the best of you. Especially with all the impatient ******** who honk because they think 15 seconds is going to make a huge difference in arriving early.
Here are some non-riding mistakes you might make as a newbie:

Spending too much time on this forum
Spending too much money on gear you don't need, and not enough on gear that you do.
Upgrading your class of bike too early.
Putting more seat time at your local Tim's meet than actually riding.
Over estimating your skill level.
Not heeding the advice found in Twist of the Wrist.
parking in a condo garage...

drinking alcohol (0 BAC)

not paying attention to speed limits and speed traps
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Lot of good ones here. I'll add:

If you have a heavy bike that you can't flat-foot, back into parking spots. You learn this lesson quickly the first time you have to pull your bike backwards while it's parked on a downhill slope.

Watch where you put your foot down. If there's oil, sand or wet tile or anything slippery, you and your bike are going down quicker than snot running down a greased pole.

Learn to use your back brake when it's appropriate.
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