Look at your insurance policy and do a line-item check of costs. You'll find that the majority of your insurance premium if Statutory Accident Benefits or SABs If you want lower insurance premiums lobby Fat Tony at Queen's Park to remove the 'S' part of "SABs": make ABs optional instead of statutory.
should be able to make an informed decision as to whether they want to risk riding a motorcycle without AB coverage. They should be made aware about what SABs actually cover:
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and whether or not they can imagine a scenario where they did crash, suffered a catastrophic injury and had to pay out of pocket for things currently covered.
If insurance companies were only on the hook for liability and maybe collision and maybe comprehensive rates could be lowered fantastically. That they are on the hook for caring for people in vegetative states up to a million dollars means these required benefits are going to carry significant premiums.
Fat Tony seems amenable to getting the government out of people's lives. Maybe he'd be receptive.
FWIW, I'd continue to carry ABs coz I'm stupid but not
that stupid. But adults should have the choice.