What is the best all around motorcycle in your opinion?

I owned what was supposed to be the best gen Vfr 98-01, but there was always something missing .Next bikes I owned were a zx9 and a fz1, all of them were great bikes . However my current bike FZ09 is the only bike that moves that makes me laugh and gives me wood every time I twist the throttle, the thought has never my mind once to replace or upgrade it.

Good job too as you'll have a job selling it now unless you replace the seat.

CB500x with Rally raid kit

(might not be the best option for 2 up on long highway but it'll do it...and tons of money for mods left over after the fact)
... Best all around bike depends on what degree of on-road vs off-road capability one wants. For all-around capability and more off-road preference I'd go with a Honda Africa twin. Lovely all-around bike and a huge following on ADV forums. And I'd pick an FJ-09 for the best all-around bike with more on-road preference. Many people ADV and tour with the FJ-09 (even track days), hard bags and lots of accessories and price is crazy good. Plus they are light, powerful and a bit of a hooligan machine. Both bikes are Japanese quality and reliability as well, which is great for high milers and touring.

These bikes really stand out and are at different ends of the all-around spectrum (on-road and off-road combinations).

Here's a video showing how capable the Africa Twin is off-road. Really really impressive

As for the FJ-09 ADVing, how about getting to the Arctic circle? Check.

This location is the blue dot here. //uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170801/60a94deec52b564c872a6a9f4a7f99a0.jpg

Another example of an Alaska trip

I have learned lately that the capability of a bike for tough terrain is directly related to the tires said bike has.

FJ09 is an awesome bike as well, same engine as the FZ09
Another problem is that few people buy motorcycles strictly based upon objective criteria.

When confronted with similar questions (Off-road capability didn't come up, though) it's hard to argue against something like a Honda VFR800. And yet, I would never buy one, because they're sterile, antiseptic, neutered, bland. Instead, I bought something that rips and snorts, and is something of a handful, and is completely impractical and perhaps a wee bit temperamental.

+ 1 on the VFR.
No fun at all.
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