I'm having a tough time following this ...
I bought a new pair of riding gloves last month. Normally, I wait for the motorcycle show to come to town and then choose a pair there from the billions and billions spread out on tables…
Bigsix beat me too it.
Mark hopes that the shop will share the enthusiasm for his/our pass time, or adhere to a maxim of make the customer happy at all costs.
I'm of 3 minds on this. First, I too recall the days of the discount table where defective or slightly used returns were sold off at a discount. It does seem like a good idea but in this time of Point-of-sale software relying on barcodes it might be a pain. Workable for a small shop but a giant pain for a large dealer.
On the other hand, maybe it's customer fatigue. I was in GP this week and they've been extremely busy, and continue to be. While waiting for a little while to get my oil filter and order tires I listened to 3 or 4 interactions between customers and staff. Discounts, whining (for lack of a better word) about lack of size or color selection, more discounts on already discounted items and the cost vs. Amazon were the topics. That stuff wears on you after a while and does have an effect even for a short time. I'm not excusing it, I spent my entire working life in a customer facing role and am the first to admit that sometimes you get worn down and are not at your best. To alleviate it you need to take a break, but when the shop is busy it's hard to do.
Finally the industry probably looks at it less as corporatization and more as professionalization. Get rid of the greasy, creaky, old family run bike shops (in particular the ones filled with characters, knowledge, familiarity, and fun) and replace them with clean, new big temples of cross promotion and add on sales which are operated on financial metrics and rigid policies.