What is canadian cuisine?

Don't knock it till you try it. Next time you're able to get some give it a go. After all fries are just another form of cooked potato
He's not lying. I had them when in NL.
Flipper pie isn’t fish . It’s a mammal, and greasy as an old transmission.

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I had a Newfie roommate for a couple of years, his mom sent flipper pies during sealing season.

I don’t remember greasy. It was ground to the consistency of veal and tasted like gamey duck. Not something I’d ever order seal or flipper pie, but I wouldn’t go hungry if that was supper.
I had a Newfie roommate for a couple of years, his mom sent flipper pies during sealing season.

I don’t remember greasy. It was ground to the consistency of veal and tasted like gamey duck. Not something I’d ever order seal or flipper pie, but I wouldn’t go hungry if that was supper.
Seals eat fish so I expect them to pick up a bit of that flavour, like trout from a commercial trout pond tastes like what I think fish meal tastes like.

I've never tasted pet food but knew a girl that was coerced into eating a dog biscuit. She said it tasted like goldfish food only crunchy.
Ya gotta ask... how does she know what goldfish food tastes like?
Going to assume it tastes like it smells...
Seals eat fish so I expect them to pick up a bit of that flavour, like trout from a commercial trout pond tastes like what I think fish meal tastes like.

I've never tasted pet food but knew a girl that was coerced into eating a dog biscuit. She said it tasted like goldfish food only crunchy.
I prefer girls that stay away from pet food.

I like mine sticking to chicken.
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