what if


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If I had a Bike, with aftermarket hard bags, that had a a running light attachment with a bulb out

is that a ticket ? cause the BIKES light isnt out, it works fine.

obviously, i will change the bulb, but i was just curious if this could be a ticket.
William Wallace laughs at traffic infractions.

I dont think so though. As long as the one on your bike works fine and is visible, that is what is required by law.
It shouldn't be an issue if the stock lighting is still functional but, if you want to avoid trouble, then I would temporarily disable the light on the other side too. That way they'll appear to be reflectors, rather than lights. Some officers will operate on the principle that if it's installed, whether required or not, then it better bloody work.
Technically, of you have a single rear running light, then yes, you could get a ticket. However I doubt anyone would care, including the popo. It is safer to replace it quickly.
Technically, of you have a single rear running light, then yes, you could get a ticket. However I doubt anyone would care, including the popo. It is safer to replace it quickly.

When you choose to write such a definite answer, it is wise to have some backing.
Please show us specifically what term of the HTA would be violated by a burned out
light on an accessory.

It's my guess you cannot do it.

When you misspell a two-letter word, you do not broadcast credibility.
Cops hand out tail/brake light tickets?

By the number of cars I see with no or one of three working brake lights and with no tail lights on at night, I assumed they didn't care.
Cops hand out tail/brake light tickets?

By the number of cars I see with no or one of three working brake lights and with no tail lights on at night, I assumed they didn't care.

True. Sometimes I think that half the cars on the road have one or more lights out. Just another, of the many things they should be concentrating on, instead of simple speed.
True. Sometimes I think that half the cars on the road have one or more lights out. Just another, of the many things they should be concentrating on, instead of simple speed.
I report them via roadwatch. I used to have an email address for OPP that I sent the complaints to but, after initially telling me it was a great address to use for that and they'd make sure a letter got sent to all the vehicle owners, they told me to stop and call some 1-800 at the time of the occurrence but I don't care enough to actually spend time making a phone call. More work then spending a couple seconds sending an email.

Not that I want to get them in trouble. I just don't really have a better way of letting the drivers know their lights are broken.
Since no one seems to bother to check their equipment anymore, and since people actually get annoyed when I tell them about the burnt out lights at stoplights, it would seem that Roadwatch may be the only alternative.
... people actually get annoyed when I tell them about the burnt out lights at stoplights ...

In both Toronto and Sarasota Florida, my experience is mostly the opposite:
"Your right brake light does not go on; the left is OK."
"Hey, thank you."
Of course, in Toronto I am likely to get "Spasiba", or "Merci",
and "Muchas gracias" here in Sarasota.
I do this about once a week, on average, but occasionally
twice at a single stoplight. One driver didn't understand until
I pointed to the car ahead of him, which had the same defect!
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